Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1995 A moody man!

Qianqian Novel Network

The man in gray leather shoes had a cold expression on his face: "Why don't you say anything?"

Xiahou Susu became even more nervous.

What was she talking about? How did she know that this stupid man had any entanglement with that damn Xiahou Susu?

If I say something wrong, wouldn't I be seeking death?

She smiled awkwardly: "No, it's nothing, I just suddenly felt a little... a little heartache..."

After saying that, he quickly covered his heart and pretended to be sick, so weak that he could hardly stand.

Sure enough, the man's expression changed, and he frowned and said, "It's been three years and you haven't grown it yet? Didn't your servant make medicine for you on time every day for the medicinal materials I left?"

Xiahou Susu thought to himself, this question is safe and can be answered!

"It's ready. Your very good." This is the truth.

Even she, Bai Moli, can be considered a doctor of medicine who has read many medicine books, but there are still some medicinal materials that she has never seen in her life, which shows how rare they are!

The man looked her up and down and squeezed her hand!

Xiahou Susu was nervous, thinking that the man was going to hit her, and she instinctively wanted to fight back. The next second, the man put his long, cold fingers on her pulse.

It turned out to be to check her pulse!

Xiahou Susu was relieved.

After a moment, the man frowned and said: "Is this the result of your three years of recuperation? Your pulse is weak and your body is like waste!

Xiahou Susu felt a big trough in her heart! ! !

Damn, damn, damn!

Just now you pretended to keep a distance from her, saying she was a shabby woman, and now you were driving with her within a few minutes?

This man wants to date Xiahou Susu!


Bai Moli rolled her eyes in her heart. Sure enough, all men in the world are as black as crows. Why are you pretending to be a gentleman? It turns out that you saved Xiahou Susu just to sleep with... her!

Bai Moli felt relieved.

That's it.

Just sleep, she's good at it.

She was afraid that this man would not understand the charm. Now that he had intentions and goals, it would be easier to control him.

No matter how powerful this man is, as long as he walks under her pomegranate skirt, she is sure to sleep with him and defeat him!

Well, by the way, she can also instruct this man to clean up the dead son of Gu Qiqi and Gu Qiqi for her!

Thinking of this, she suddenly said shyly: "If you want it, I can give it to you now..."

The man pushed her away from his arms!

He looked at her with disgust: "Xiao Su'er, you have changed! Why have you become so wild and slutty?!"

Xiahou Susu cursed ten thousand words in her heart: mmp!

Damn it, I have never seen such a difficult man.

Didn't you just say that you wanted to sleep with her? Why did he call her a slut when she took the initiative?

Could it be...

Is this man a masochist? Actually like women to reject him coldly?

Xiahou Susu quickly changed her face, bit her lip and said: "Yes, I have changed. Now I am a slut that everyone can bully! To tell you the truth, I have slept with countless men. Three years, do you think I will be idle in three years? Now you know what kind of woman I am, why don’t you leave quickly and stop visiting me! Even if I die of illness, it has nothing to do with you! "

Xiahou Susu's words to change his attitude immediately had an effect!

When the man in the gray leather shoes heard this, the look of disgust on his face instantly faded away.

He pulled Xiahou Susu into his arms again and said coldly: "Xiao Su'er, hum, don't think I don't know, you are deliberately pretending to be a daughter-in-law, so that I can hate you and leave you, right? Let me tell you, don't even think about it - "The online service of real girls will help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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