Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1998 Sir Alex puts aside his pride

Qianqian Novel Network

Was there really no one else at the murder scene back then?

Gu Qiqi thought hard.

Seeing this, Gong Jue felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart - the stupid woman's forehead was so fair and smooth, but because of him, she had a shallow forehead wrinkle.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently smoothed the tight wrinkles. Fortunately, her skin was still very elastic, and it was smoothed out in no time.

Should he put aside the troublesome face and ask Chu Junmo to testify in court?

This way Qiqi doesn't have to worry so much about his case every day...

Just when Gong Jue was thinking slightly.

Gu Qiqi's phone rang.

Gu Qiqi looked at the caller ID and cut it off.

It actually belongs to Gu Xuexue.

Gu Meifeng has been imprisoned for the rest of her life and she has no chance of getting out. Gu Xuexue pretended to be the vice president's wife and left in embarrassment after being exposed. The two mother and daughter have been completely confused. They are confused all over the place. Now they still have the nerve to call her?

She is currently busy with Gong Jue's case, so she has no time to deal with those bitches from the Gu family!

However, Gu Xuexue is quite thick-skinned and persistent.

The beating continued.

Gu Qiqi was a little annoyed and was about to turn off her phone.

When he glanced at it, he saw a text message just sent by Gu Xuexue pop up on the screen: "Gu Qiqi, you heartless bastard, now that your grandpa is in the hospital and you don't even come to see him, do you still have the nerve to call yourself a member of the Gu family? Don't you? Just answer my call, don’t you even pay attention to grandpa? You are an ungrateful villain, you are so shameless..."

Gu Qiqi didn't bother to pay attention to the series of curses that followed.

Directly blocked Gu Xuexue!

Their eyes were locked tightly to the words "Grandpa is in the hospital"!

Gu Qiqi frowned, secretly suspecting that although Mr. Gu had never been in good health, he died early in his previous life. However, in this life, she had made sufficient preparations for the old man, recuperating his body and helping him avoid several accidents. Even before, she had even given the precious life-prolonging medicine "Hailongjiao" to the old man, and told him to do it every day. Take daily.

Logically speaking, if the old man lives to be a hundred years old, there should be no problem!

How could he not be able to hold on any longer so quickly?

A flash of sharpness flashed in her eyes, and Teng stood up immediately: "Jue, I want to go out for a while."

"I'll stay with you."

"No, I just need to go see grandpa. Niannian and I will go there. I don't want you to be upset when you see those bitches in the Gu family."

Gong Jue was also thinking about Chu Junmo's matter, and was considering whether to lower his face and shake hands with Chu Junmo to make peace and ask for help.

If Qi Qi were here, she would probably not let him lose face, and she would definitely go to Chu Junmo in person.

And how could he bear to have his woman suffer such injustice?

What kind of perverted conditions would Chu Junmo put forward if he got along with the shameless old man?

He absolutely couldn't let Qiqi take this risk and suffer this humiliation.

If you want to humiliate, it’s better to humiliate him!

Ever since he had a woman to protect and felt like home, Gong Jue discovered that sometimes "face" didn't seem to be that important anymore...

Nothing is more important than protecting your family!

He decided to put down his body and beg Chu Junmo!


While Qiqi went to see the old man at Gu's house, he happened to go and finish the matter!

After planning like this, Gong Jue nodded in agreement: "Okay, I won't go, you and Niannian will go. And Gong Ting, you take Gong Ting with you. This guy has been working hard recently and has made progress. I can help you keep an eye on it." Nian Nian. I will let Adjutant Lu lead a team of people to escort you." The real lady is online and will help you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you~

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