Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2006 Master Qi is angry! Very serious consequences!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi thought it was Gong Jue calling her to urge her to go home.

Unexpectedly, it was Wu Er.

"What's wrong, little bastard?" Gu Qiqi said in a relaxed tone.

Wu Er gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Hey, Gu Qiqi, do you have any conscience? They have worked so hard for you to find clues, but you call them... Er, Er, Er or something like that!"

Gu Qiqi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work! I won't call you a bastard from now on, okay? What clues can you help me find? Gong Jue's case? Can you find a new witness? Bastard bastard?"

The corners of Wu Er's lips twitched fiercely, and he angrily said, "You only have Gong Jue in your mind!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

She didn't know how to answer this.

If she doesn't miss Gong Jue, who else can she miss?

Wu Shi was very unhappy: "Don't you think about yourself? Such a big thing happened to your Gu family. Your grandfather was almost killed. Why don't you go and investigate it? And Gong Jue? You bastard, you worked hard to clear his name, but now that your Gu family has something to do, he just doesn’t show up like a coward. Is he a man? I despise him!"

Gu Qiqi was ashamed: "I have been treating grandpa in the afternoon, but I have no time to spare... As for Gong Jue, he still doesn't know that grandpa was harmed..."

Wu Er: "Humph, stop making excuses for him! If you don't know what to do, why don't you come to me? Don't you know how to ask us for help?"

This time it was Gu Qiqi's turn to twitch the corners of her lips: "Ahem, don't you already know this?"

Why is this guy Mao Wuer so angry?

Sometimes he is blaming Gong Jue, and sometimes he is blaming her. Where did he get such a big nameless fire?

For those who didn’t know, they thought his grandfather was ill.

Wu Er vented his anger, and then said seriously: "I heard that from Wu Jiu, she assigned ten female bodyguards to you... I'm afraid something will happen to you... Forget it! Let's not talk about that. Anyway, you are a little heartless, and it is not a day or two. Let me tell you, I have helped you check all the call records of Mrs. Gu. I found that she has a secret mobile phone with only one number in it, which is this I have been in frequent contact with the outside world for a few days, so I suspect this number..."

"You mean the old lady colluded with outsiders to poison grandpa?" Gu Qiqi thought in her mind!

The suspicions in Wu Er's mind were gradually confirmed by Wu Er.

"Well, the possibility is very high. Although the other party used very advanced blocking technology to block all the call content, I can follow the records to find the location of the caller." Wu Er is worthy of being the second highness of the witch doctor clan. The technical tracking method is comparable to that of Adjutant Lu!

"Where is it? Tell me quickly, okay?" Gu Qiqi's curiosity was completely aroused.

Wu Er originally wanted to show off and vent his anger.

However, when Gu Qiqi made such a soft request, he immediately couldn't hold on.

He poured out all his money honestly: "Xiahou Mansion. The person who has frequent contact with Mrs. Gu is from Xiahou Mansion!"

Gu Qiqi's brows suddenly frowned: "Xiahou Susu? It's her again! Why is she interfering in our Gu family's affairs?!"

Wu Er: "We don't know her purpose yet. However, you, Mrs. Gu, don't have many external contacts. Only this one is weird and frequent. In addition, the Xiahou Mansion is also quite proficient in medical skills, so you can provide the old lady with secret information." A poisonous person is almost certain..."

Gu Qiqi bit her lip: "If it's really her, I won't let her go!"

Just as he was saying this, the little girl next to him suddenly spoke up - a real lady is providing online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Letter/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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