Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2016 Are you worthy of being compared with my daughter?

Chapter 2018 Are you worthy of being compared with my daughter?

"Who!" Xiahou Susu's spine went cold. She was about to angrily scold this woman for daring to say that she was mentally retarded, but then she realized that this man actually broke through the Xiahou family's defense line and sneaked all the way into her boudoir, but she didn't notice it. But you know this person is not a simple character!

Her mind was stimulated again, and she recognized the voice belatedly——

"Gu Qiqi! You, what do you want to do?" She tried to turn her head, but there was a sudden pain in her neck, which frightened her to keep still.

Gu Qiqi was playing with a fragment of a cosmetic lotion bottle in her hand and pressed it against the back of Xiahou Susu's neck: "Well, let me hear some idiot say bad things about me behind my back."

The corners of Xiahou Susu's lips twitched, and she immediately changed her tone: "I, it's normal for me to say bad things about you, okay? Of course I hate you if you compete with me for the palace title. The palace title is my childhood sweetheart, and it's quite unfair for you to do this. To a third party..."

"Then why you harmed my child is related to you and Gong Jue's childhood sweetheart? Huh? Why can't I find any connection?" Gu Qiqi said lightly.

Xiahou Susu bit her lip: "I didn't harm your child, I was just joking with her..."

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows coldly: "Really? Then do you mind if I get some of the disfiguring powder you used for my children, so that your claws can turn into black sesame seeds again, or maybe even your face can also turn into black sesame seeds?" Cheng Heizhima, you take it as a joke, huh?"

Xiahou Susu's hands shook slightly, and her face began to tremble uncontrollably.

don't want!

She finally got a special antidote from the man in the gray leather shoes, and restored her hands as white as jade, as well as her face that she could show off like a young lady, so as not to be disfigured again.

Her tone became a little softer: "That was just my impulse... Besides, your daughter was not injured. I was the one who was injured, okay? I'm much worse off than her!"

Gu Qiqi said contemptuously: "A guy like you is worthy of comparing with my daughter?"

Xiahou Susu was so shocked that her breath was stagnated and she was shaking with anger!

"Gu Qiqi, why are you so aggressive? If Gong Jue knew that you did this to me, he would not let you go! You know that Gong Jue is a person who misses old friendships very much, and he said that he would marry me back then! If you Harming me will only make him see that you are a vicious woman and eventually lose him!"

"I'm sorry, didn't you say I was a mistress? Mistresses are very vicious, don't you know?"

"You...!" Xiahou Susu discovered that she was no match for Gu Qiqi in a head-on confrontation. This Gu Qiqi is very different from ordinary women. She doesn't play according to common sense at all.

"Then what do you want? What can I do to relieve your anger? I'll write you a guarantee and promise not to touch your child again, okay?"

Xiahou Susu lowered her attitude.

Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes: "You can even reverse your confession in court, so what's the use of a guarantee letter? It's just a piece of waste paper!"

Xiahou Susu: "I, I really didn't mean to renege on my confession, I, what I said is all the truth..."

Gu Qiqi sneered: "You can deceive others but you can't deceive me. Are you telling the truth when you slandered me for instructing you to give false testimony?"

Xiahou Susu's eyes flickered guiltily: "I, maybe I was too nervous before the trial and misheard the precautions you told me. How about I go and tell the judge again?"

Gu Qiqi coldly refused: "You have lost your credibility. It is useless to say anything to the judge! Xiahou Susu, don't pretend to be pitiful afterward. If you don't tell me frankly today, who are you pretending to be the palace lord's childhood sweetheart?" Seriously, I won’t let you go!”

She just made it clear!

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