Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2024 The kitchen is a place suitable for men and women

Chapter 202 A place with women

"Really? When did I cut off your skin? I don't like eating pig skin jelly, so what's the use of cutting your skin off?"

Gu Qiqi turned around from behind Gong Jue and stared at the lying woman with a half-smile.

Xiahou Susu's heart skipped a beat, and she regretted it beyond words.

She was so excited that she just started acting coquettishly when she saw Gong Jue. She didn't even notice that there was Gu Qiqi behind Gong Jue!

Or maybe it’s the fault that Gong Jue is too tall and handsome, while Gu Qiqi, that bitch, is short and poor! ! !

Xiahou Susu cursed in her heart for a moment, then squeezed out a smile and apologized to Gu Qiqi: "I'm sorry, Miss Qiqi, I was scared by you last night and had a nightmare all night. When I woke up in the morning, I still felt like you. Chasing me and trying to skin me..."

She avoided the topic of lying and turned her head to stare at Gong Jue again: "Master, you came to visit Su Su early in the morning. Su Su was really touched. Why don't you stay for breakfast and we can chat slowly?" I can make French breakfast, do you want to try it?"

Gong Jue retorted angrily: "I don't like eating foreigners' stuff! I just like to eat..."

Halfway through, he suddenly turned around and asked Gu Qiqi: "What do you like to eat?"

Gu Qiqi: "Well, it would be good to have preserved egg and lean meat porridge for breakfast, or an egg pancake, a bowl of snail noodles, or a bowl of Yangchun noodles."

Gong Jue nodded in approval: "Very good, I only like to eat these!"

Xiahou Susu: "..."

Are you sure you're not here to show off your affection in front of her?

After enduring it, she continued to maintain the stiff smile on her face: "Then I will cook porridge for you, Sir..."

Gong Jue suddenly stood up, grabbed Xiahou Susu's sleeve, and then grabbed her wrist: "No need!"

Xiahou Susu's heart was beating wildly!

Gong Jue took her hand, held her hand, held her hand...!

Although it was easy to leave at the touch, it was enough to excite her for a long time. She stammered when she spoke: "Sir, Sir, I want to cook for you. It doesn't take any trouble. You, you can wait in the living room or come over." The kitchen and so on are all available..."

Especially the kitchen!

She strongly recommends the kitchen!

You have to know that in a place like the kitchen, when a man sees a woman cooking for him, wearing an apron and pointing her butt towards him, ninety-nine out of a hundred men will want to push the woman next to the sink... …Done!

The one who doesn't do it means there's something wrong with that thing.

Therefore, the kitchen is a very suitable place for flirting and love.


Gong Jue showed no interest in going to the kitchen.

He lifted his lips indifferently, and the hand that he had just grabbed Xiahou Susu was already behind his back: "I said no! Since you can still cook by yourself, it proves that your hands are not injured and your body is not messed up. It’s very exciting. So, Qiqi came to your house last night just to chat with you and not do anything. If I hear any dirty information about Qiqi’s skinning on the Internet after today, don’t blame me for being rude to you! You, Watch your mouth!"

Xiahou Susu's pupils suddenly shrank!

She never expected that after waiting for a long time, she would get such an answer from Gong Jue.

Gong Jue didn't come to visit her at all, but to confirm that her injury level was not high enough, and then threatened her not to smear Gu Qiqi to the outside world.

Haha, Gong Jue, you are really smart. I finished writing the draft of the black material last night and am preparing to publish it on the entire network today about the shocking incident of Gu Qiqi skinning a human being.

But, all the preparations were in vain at this moment, everything was in vain!

Gong Jue explicitly prohibited her from doing anything. Not only could she not move, but she also had to prevent the recording from being spread, which would cause her to take the blame.

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