Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2028: Owe me a life and a love

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue took a deep breath, swallowed down the man's arrogant self-esteem, and showed a little annoyance in his eyes.

He messed up again.

They were supposed to take advantage of Chu Junmo's visit to establish a mutually beneficial relationship, but instead, out of jealousy, they kicked him out of the house.

The key is that even if he was kicked out, he would not end up well. Qiqi still went out to chat with Chu Daiyu.

Looking down from the second floor, two people were walking side by side on the straight asphalt road of Kinmen Street. There were flowers and plants along the road. It seemed a little romantic no matter how you looked at it.

Gong Jue regretted it so much that his intestines turned green.

But he had already promised Gu Qiqi that he couldn't go out and cause trouble again.

Although he is simple, rough and impulsive, he can still keep his word.

Feeling depressed, Gong Jue simply turned his back and stopped looking at the two people below, making himself unhappy.

He gritted his teeth and made a call: "Adjutant Lu, has Chu's Pharmacy encountered anything unresolved recently?"

Adjutant Lu was a little confused. Why would the leader care about President Chu?

However, he still implemented it and verified it honestly.

Soon, after the investigation was completed, he excitedly reported to Gong Jue: "Chief, we found it. The Chu family has a batch of imported drugs. They are stuck at the customs inspection and quarantine area and are not allowed to enter. President Chu refused to clear the joints for the customs people. The drugs It’s just stuck in the warehouse, and I’m afraid it will become ineffective if I put it down again…”

Adjutant Lu said, and gave a suggestion in a relieved manner: "Chief, do you want to take this opportunity to do something big and completely destroy this batch of medicine?"

How could I have expected that.

Gong Jue solemnly ordered: "Use my personal power and the network of the Twelve Iron Cavalry to help the Chu family unblock this batch of goods! The goods must be fished out from the customs before tonight!"

Lieutenant Lu thought he heard wrongly and couldn't help but confirm again: "Chief, are you sure you meant taking out the medicine, not discarding it?"

Gong Jue scolded: "Nonsense! Of course we have to fish it out. Can't I make some contribution to the empire's medical industry? The Chu family's loss of a batch of medicine is a trivial matter. Patients in the country who are waiting for medicine cannot use the medicine. This is a big deal! Hurry up and do it for me!"

After saying that, he snorted coldly and thought to himself, Chu Junmo should be able to know who helped him unblock this joint in less than an hour!

You owe me your life and your love, how dare you pretend to be dead and not testify?

Adjutant Lu went to implement Gong Jue's instructions full of doubts.

But I can't get around this pitfall - although it is true that Sir Alex has always been patriotic and protective of the people, is there really any relationship between Chu's medicine and patriotism? Why does Mao think this is a bit unreasonable?

But for the sake of Mao, the Duke wants to argue strongly for the Chu family. This is simply a fantasy.

Adjutant Lu didn't know, but Chu Junmo soon learned about it.

I have to admit that Gong Jue's methods are really amazing. Even though he is no longer the commander-in-chief of the empire's armed forces, his own private force, the Twelve Iron Cavalry, has an intelligence network and a network of relationships that are spread across various industries across the country.

Clearing customs is a piece of cake.

While Chu Junmo was still chatting with Gu Qiqi, he received an urgent report from Secretary Jiao.

He glanced at the words "The Duke's private power helped solve the problem" mentioned in the report, and glanced at the second floor of Gongjue's villa with dark eyes.

Then, he continued to chat with Gu Qiqi calmly: "Qiqi, I encountered something recently and I want you to help me make an idea." When reading a book, you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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