Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2030 I didn’t ask you to do it

Qianqian Novel Network

Chu Junmo's voice was mellow and penetrating: "It's easy for you to escape to the ends of the earth. But what about Nian Nian? What should she do with Nian Nian? Does she have to run away for the rest of her life and never see the light of day? Or, live with wolves for the rest of her life; or, I will be completely separated from you and lose the company of my parents for the rest of my life..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Qiqi swayed slightly.

Yes, she didn't think about Nian Nian at that moment.

I didn’t even consider small dumplings.

She was such a failure and so selfish. How could she not consider her children but only the stupid man?

Seeing Gu Qiqi's lost look, Chu Junmo knew that he had hit her weak spot.

But at the same time, he became even more crazily jealous of Gong Jue.

Gong Jue, how could you be so virtuous and capable that you actually let the kind-hearted Qi Qi ignore her children and only want to be with you?

He said softly: "Qiqi, what Gong Jue has brought to you is too heavy. Please be more open-minded about the case. No matter what the outcome is, don't do anything impulsive, okay? Think more about your children!" "

He almost didn't say it directly - it's not worth it to work so hard for Gong Jue, a man with a serious case on his hands!

Gu Qiqi responded absently, not listening to what he said at all.

Her mind was filled with thoughts about Nian Nian, Tuan Zi, Gong Jue... how to get the best of both worlds without hurting any of them.

Apart from Xiaobei and Grandpa, these are the three closest relatives to her in the world!

"Qiqi, if I do something that disappoints you one day, can you please give me a chance? Please put yourself in my shoes and help me think about the helplessness I face, okay?" Chu Junmo spoke up With a twist, the topic suddenly changed.

In fact, this was the topic he wanted to talk to Gu Qiqi most today.

On the way here, he was still debating whether to agree to the conditions of the Lord of Medicine Palace, but after meeting with the palace lord and having a long chat with Qiqi, he had already made up his mind.

He made a choice!

Gu Qiqi looked up blankly from her thoughts: "Brother Chu, I don't understand what you are saying. What are you going to do?"

Chu Junmo smiled gentlemanly: "It's nothing, Qiqi, I just said that casually."

"Oh." Gu Qiqi responded casually.

"Qiqi, also, give me some time, I..." Chu Junmo wanted to continue to give Gu Qiqi some more vaccinations to pave the way for the big things he was about to do.

Unexpectedly, before he even started to elaborate, he was interrupted by the man's sudden deep voice!

I saw Gong Jue striding over and saying in a loud voice: "We are going to eat! The rest of the people are going back to their homes and looking for their mothers!"

As he said that, he glanced at Chu Junmo with some meaning: "President Chu, are you very free? You don't have to do business? Have you sorted out all the Chu family's medicinal materials?"

The corners of Chu Junmo's lips twitched a few times, and he responded with a calm expression: "You don't need to worry."

Gong Jue snorted: "You think I'm willing to go to that trouble?!"

Gu Qiqi looked left and right in confusion: "Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

She wondered if there was poisonous fog in Xiahou Susu's house that lowered her IQ. Why did she feel a little less intelligent when she came back?

Both men immediately shut up.

They were stunned, their eyes met in the air, and then quickly bounced away.

——I helped you get the customs goods!

——Really, I didn’t ask you to do it, you did it yourself.

——Damn, Chu Daiyu, you scoundrel!

——each other.

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