Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2035 A man shows off his scratches [hilarious]

Chapter 2037 A man shows off his scratches

Too tired?

It's late at night, what can you do that will make you too tired?

An adult man would not fail to understand the profound meaning contained in these words.

Chu Junmo's throat felt dry. He endured the discomfort in his heart and said, "Gong Jue, don't be so childish. Qiqi doesn't know how to..."

Qiqi's character would not do such crazy things with a man when there are guests at home.

She was traditional, he knew.

However, Gong Jue snorted coldly and pulled off his nightgown!

There were several obvious scratches on his chest, which looked particularly ambiguous under the warm orange light of the kitchen!

Gong Jue said nothing, just silently and proudly showing off the scratches on his chest.

Chu Junmo also lost his words for an instant, his mind went blank, and he stayed in place.

He admitted that Gong Jue's move was very effective.

He was struck.

He was jealous.

He was still envious.

There was even a hint of hatred.

Why can Gong Jue get Qiqi and own Qiqi, but he can't?

He is no worse than Gong Jue! In fact, his experience and knowledge after being reborn in so many lives are far better than Gong Jue's. He even holds key evidence in his hand that can determine the outcome of Gong Jue's case.

However, Qiqi still followed Gong Jue...

Chu Junmo lowered his eyes, said no more, turned and walked out the door.

"Brother Chu?" A clear call sounded from the stairs on the second floor.

Gu Qiqi tied up her windbreaker belt and dressed neatly, and hurried downstairs: "Have you had breakfast? Brother Chu, you vomited a lot last night. If you don't eat, your blood sugar will easily become too low, and you'll be in trouble if you faint on the way. It will overwhelm your heart..."

Gu Qiqi persuaded him to stay.

Chu Junmo was not unmoved.

Qiqi is still so innocent and kind.

His lips moved and he said slowly: "Some people may not want to see me appear at the dining table..."

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, turned to the kitchen and shouted: "Gong Jue, please say something quickly. Brother Chu is welcome in our family, right? You even got up specially to cook him some hangover porridge. Yeah, right?"

Gong Jue cursed: I didn’t cook it for him! I'm cooking seafood porridge for you, and I'm just giving some clear porridge to Single Chu!

He came out with breakfast and placed the plate on the dining table handsomely. He had already put on his bathrobe neatly. He hid the scratches on his chest well and had a righteous look on his face: "Well, my surname is Chu. Yes, please stop chattering and sit down and have breakfast, I can still entertain outsiders for a meal!"

Chu Junmo glanced at him with complicated eyes.

Are you sure this man is the same person as the one who bared his chest to show him scratches a minute ago?

Gong Jue's craftsmanship was surprisingly good.

It was just a bowl of clear porridge, but Chu Junmo actually tasted the sweetness to the bone.

He drank three large bowls in a row.

He drank until Gong Jue couldn't hold back and wanted to blow his beard and glare at him!

Chu Junmo was now very sure that Gong Jue really did not cook hangover porridge for him.

Such delicious food can only taste like this if you cook it with love and for the people you love most.

Once, he also cooked the most delicious meals in the world for Qiqi.

It's a pity that Qiqi didn't have the chance to taste it because Gong Jue interfered with it.

In this life, will he have the chance to do Qiqi a second time?

Chu Junmo suddenly felt that his heart hurt so much.

Compared to being drunk, his heart couldn't handle the thought of saying goodbye to Qiqi.

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