Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2071: A master of scumbag abuse!

Qianqian Novel Network

After several people calculated it, they had to send one person to ask Beigong Mingtian for instructions. As a result, Beigong Mingtian came back directly: "No!"

When the guards told Gu Xuexue the results.

Gu Xuexue was almost furious!

She finally performed all these performances, but Prince Beigong didn't see her? What’s the point!

So she got even more serious, pulling at the exposed parts of her clothes, almost revealing her two buns, and screamed: "The Beigong royal family bullies people, bullies people..."

It can be said that Mrs. Gu's true legacy is as good as that of her, and she is even worse at being a spoiled brat.

It looked like those guards really wanted to stab her to death.

On the contrary, the melon-eaters did not mind the excitement and surrounded them on three floors inside and three floors outside, talking all around:

"Is this how your Beigong royal family treats guests?"

"This girl doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for any reason. What are you afraid of?"

"The Beigong royal family is so disappointing! Disdainful!"

Gu Xuexue secretly looked at the crowd, feeling secretly proud.

People in high positions have always been afraid of public opinion, but with so many people supporting her and making noise at the gate, how could the Beigong royal family be so shy as to ignore her?

If not, she would be here today to expose Gu Qiqi's scandalous act of playing tricks on two men!

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the door creak and open a crack from the inside.

Gu Xuexue was surprised, whether the Beigong royal family finally could not withstand the pressure and wanted to invite her in.

who knows!

Unexpectedly, the door only opened a crack as big as a palm, and a pink and jade-carved baby girl stuck out her little arms and legs from the crack in the door. She held up her princess dress and came out with great momentum.

The little girl said in a sweet voice: "Who despises our Beigong royal family? Stand up!"

Despite his soft and soft voice, his aura is 2.8 meters tall.

The crowd of onlookers immediately fell silent. Everyone was suffocated by this momentum. It was not until they saw clearly that the person coming was just a little milk bag that they relaxed their nerves a little and laughed and said: "The Beigong royal family is hiding and not daring to see people, of course. Let us despise..."

"You said we'll meet you as soon as you meet? I am reviewing the memorial every day. Time is so precious. Do you think you are more important than the memorial? The crops of the farmers in the two southeastern provinces were destroyed by typhoons, the fishing boats on the northwest coast were attacked by the enemy, and the crops of the farmers in the three northern provinces were destroyed by typhoons. Drought, floods in the lake area... Which of these things is not more important to you? You can see me if you want, so who will handle these big things? Or do you think you are more awesome and coaxing than a province of our Beigong royal family? "

At this moment, no one dares to mock the baby voice of this little milk bag anymore.

Everyone pursed their lips and rubbed their hands on the seam of their pants.

If anyone doesn't know enough about himself and claims that he is more important than the few major issues concerning the national economy and people's livelihood that Xiao Nai Bao mentioned, then he is a complete idiot.

The guards at the door finally breathed a sigh of relief and shed tears of emotion - it turned out that the little princess of their royal family was the best at torturing scum, and compared to the little princess, they were simply weak.

The melon-eating crowd calmed down, but how could Gu Xuexue give up so easily.

She looked at the little milk bag angrily, oh, isn't this the little bastard Gu Qiqi gave birth to? She didn't see it clearly just now, so she thought it was who it was?

She sneered: "Little brat, do you understand? Then do you know how important the news I want to tell you about the Beigong royal family is? Do you have to have a national event to enter your royal family? Then, please, can someone tell me how important it is? Prince Beigong is cuckolding and will bring shame to the entire royal family. Is this a big deal?!"

The melon-eaters gasped.

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