Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2081 Sir Alex’s handsome answer

Qianqian Novel Network

Song Song on the other end of the phone was also very helpless: "Qiqi, aunt knows that you are repaying the talisman that aunt gave you. But, aunt just wants you to know that that talisman is just a gift. You really Don't have any psychological burden. It's up to you to decide whether you agree to Nong Jue's proposal or not, and we will never interfere..."

As Gu Qiqi listened to Song Song's sincere instructions, the smile on her face gradually faded, and she became a little more moved and emotional.

Father Gong and Mother Gong are really the strongest assists in history.

And everyone in the Gong family is really sincere, whether it is the gentle Song Song, the direct Gong Qing, the simple and rude Gong Jue, the secretive Gong Sheng, the cold and cute little dumpling... If you marry You should be very happy if you join such a family, right?

She looked back at Gong Jue, who was not far away and was helping her check the map of Hanbeiling.

Although the man was reluctant to let her help Brother Chu find clues to the Gate of Time, he still silently started to help her collect information. Even the map of Hanbeiling was drawn by him himself.

Without his help, the efficiency would definitely be much lower.

This duplicitous man.

At this moment, Gu Qiqi really had the urge to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with him to get the certificate.

But then I thought about it, if a stupid man doesn't propose, what does it mean for her to agree to her parents?


She hadn't settled the matter with him yet when she was let off by a stupid man on the independent island in Northern Europe.

Well, her gratitude to Gong Jue's parents is one thing, and her test to the stupid man is another. Anyway, if the debt is not settled, she won't marry, so she can continue to let the stupid man's baby call someone else her father.

Gu Qiqi calmed down and continued to study Hanbeiling's strategy carefully.

After two days of delay, finally, early that morning, Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue set off from the Imperial Capital, driving the No. 1 small gray machine to Hanbeiling!

Before departure, the cabinet was still summoning Gong Jue, because his case trial was over and he was proven innocent, and the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces was still vacant. There was no more suitable candidate than him in the country.

The war has just ended, and the army is in need of a commander to consolidate the results. At this time, it is very dangerous for the commander to be vacant.

Therefore, the cabinet elders were so anxious that they asked Gong Jue to come back to serve as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, regardless of the opposition.


Gong Jue only replied lightly: "I want to accompany my wife!"

After that, he and Gu Qiqi drove off the mobile phone and left.

A group of cabinet elders were stunned: "..."

Sir Alex is said to love beauty rather than country!

Is there really such a man in the world?

Not extinct? ? ?


Within a month, the two returned to Hanbeiling again!

This time, there is no threat of the enemy fighting to the death, no painful life-and-death lovesickness, and the heartbreak of not recognizing each other after meeting, but the two of them join hands and work together to find the door of time.

However, the process was much more difficult than imagined.

Time Gate, no clues, no clear instructions. Searching in the endless Hanbei Ridge is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

The only tool in their hands is the talisman paper.

According to Song Song, when the talisman paper approaches the gate of time, it will sense something and send out a prompt.

But they had been looking for it in Hanbeiling for half a month, and there was no movement at all about this talisman paper.

The wind and frost in Hanbeiling made Gu Qiqi's fair little face turn red. Gong Jue was heartbroken and scolded Chu Junmo countless times.

If possible, he really wanted to not win this lawsuit and let Chu Junmo come back without that bastard's testimony.

This owed favor is too torturous for Qiqi!

Just when the two of them went deep into the deep mountains of Hanbeiling and searched hard, on this day, they unexpectedly met a man by a creek on a cliff... A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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