Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2083: The jealousy tank is about to overturn and explode!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue was completely angry this time.

Damn it, I hate men who resort to tricks the most!

He was not aboveboard at all, and it actually caused him to lose face in front of his wife, which is even more unforgivable.

However, the other party ignored him at all, let alone answered his questions. Instead, he turned to Gu Qiqi with a smile on his face: "Master Ye, are you okay?"

Gu Qiqi also smiled and answered him: "Hello, uncle."

Gong Jue was stunned.

What do you mean, know?

Qiqi and this guy who is rude, immoral, pretends to be mature and loves to play tricks, do they know each other?

Moreover, what else do you call uncle?

Where is such a person in the Gu family? How come he doesn't know!

No, this person is not from the Gu family at all. He clearly calls Qiqi Mr. Ye.

When Gu Qiqi came to Hanbeiling this time, she was wearing men's clothes. Most people would never recognize Mr. Ye's outfit.

Who is this guy? He actually knows Mr. Ye, and the prince has no idea about his origins!

When did Qiqi meet the wild man outside? ? ?

The palace prince became very vigilant.

I just heard the other party smiling unabashedly, with eyes full of joy: "Mr. Ye, I have long thought that we are destined to meet again. I smelled the scent of roses just now, and it turned out to be you! How can you be in such a remote place? Meeting in the desolate and uninhabited Hanbeiling, our fate may not be as deep as usual!"

Gu Qiqi also smiled without a trace of emotion: "Well, the rose you gave me last time was really amazing. I have never seen this variety before, and I have never seen it all over the world, so I finally refined it. The rose essential oil comes out, so unique! Thank you, uncle!"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a hearty voice: "Don't call me uncle, call me Ariel! I don't like to follow the rules of the elders and juniors. It's very uncomfortable."

Gu Qiqi didn't wait for an answer.

Gong Jue first objected angrily: "No! What a bad cat or dog! She will never bark! You are such an old man, how can you do it?"

Although a minute ago, he thought this man was too young and angrily scolded him for pretending to be an elder.

But now, a minute later, the man he bit to death must be an old man. He must be Gu Qiqi's elder, and he must not be a peer.

Gu Qiqi tugged at Gong Jue's sleeve helplessly: "Jue, he is actually..."

"I don't care who he is! I'm the most disgusted when an old man pretends to be young!" Gong Jue sneered, "There are also those who do one thing in front of you and do the other behind you, it's even more disgusting!"

The man was confused: "Why do you do one thing in front of your face and do another thing behind your back?"

Gong Jue snorted coldly: "You are still pretending? The water was obviously very dirty before. What the hell did you do to fool us?"

The man suddenly realized: "Oh, you are talking about stream water? It's very simple. Can't you see this? I just sprinkled sedimentation powder on the stream water and filtered out all the dirt, so it is back to the original state now. Isn't this right? Is that what you hope? What? You can’t even understand the simplest medicinal technique? Then I’m very surprised. What qualifications do you have to stand next to a great pharmacist like Mr. Ye? "

Gong Jue stared, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak: "..."

Damn, this is the most frustrating moment in my life.

Even in prison, when he was exiled in Hanbeiling, he had never been so aggrieved.

He fought in all directions and was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces that everyone respected.

He controls the snow wolf and is the feared king of snow wolves in Hanbeiling.

However, he does not know medical skills or medicine!

So he is not worthy of standing next to Gu Qiqi! ! !

Damn, it feels like someone has pinched my vital point. This is so irrefutable! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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