Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2086: Finding the Gate of Time

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi pondered for a moment, then answered Bei Gonglie: "I'm looking for a place..."

Here, Gu Qiqi and Bei Gonglie chatted while eating turtle doves, while over there, Gong Jue caught fish under the scorching sun.

He was so skilled that he could hit a swimming fish by aiming a pointed tree branch into the stream.

Sometimes you can even hit a skewer!

When he proudly held a string of fish on a tree branch high and showed it to Gu Qiqi and Bei Gonglie on the far bank...

But he realized something was wrong.

Why is he working here as a coolie, while this guy who is rude, immoral, pretends to be mature and loves to play tricks, can sit leisurely and leisurely with his little woman and have lunch intimately?

I'm not happy!

Especially, he felt even more unhappy when he saw the way Bei Gong Lie looked at Gu Qiqi.

As a man, he clearly noticed that Bei Gonglie's eyes did not look like he was looking at a boy, but at a girl.

He is not looking at a junior, but a lover!

That look is a very doting and heartwarming look.

His palace lord is also a man, what else can't he see through?

The anger suddenly rose to a height of three feet - I am here working hard to catch fish, but you are over there seducing my woman. What is the truth? !

He carried a tree branch and a few fish and ran back.

Gu Qiqi took it and put it on the fire to roast, and did not forget to praise him: "Jue, you are so fast. After we finish eating, let's set off with Uncle Ariel. He is also quite familiar with Hanbeiling." , we happened to be traveling together..."

As he spoke, Gong Jue said coldly: "I don't agree."

"Ah? Why? Wouldn't it be nice to have one more partner to take care of each other?"

"No need. If you take care of us, we can summon countless snow wolves!"

"Hmm, but Snow Wolf can't speak." Gu Qiqi's lips twitched.

Gong Jue cast a sidelong glance at Bei Gonglie: "Anyway, I don't want a waste who only knows how to secretly poison someone! We are not here to enjoy the sights."

I thought that since the words had come to this point, Bei Gonglie should have the wisdom to withdraw, right?

Unexpectedly, Bei Gonglie was particularly calm.

When Gu Qiqi said something, he nodded seriously in agreement and had no intention of quitting at all.

It seemed like he really enjoyed walking with them.

Gong Jue just wanted to beat him up.

Just when he was about to lose control of what to send... Gu Qiqi suddenly looked at him with complex eyes: "Jue, Uncle Ariel is not a waste..."

"So?" Gong Jue snorted angrily.

Bei Gonglie narrowed his eyes and signaled Gu Qiqi not to speak.

He stood up in person and walked past Gong Jue calmly: "You are right, I, Bei Gong Lie, have been a waste my entire life. I have no other abilities, so I can only look for... the Gate of Time." Grow useless gadgets.”

After that, he laughed a few times: "Master Ye, are you full? Let's go! If we move quickly, we should be able to arrive before dark."

Gu Qiqi quickly followed: "Yeah, here we come!"

With that said, he quickly dragged Gong Jue's hand and walked away with him.

Gong Jue is simply in a bad condition...!

What, this person is Bei Gonglie?

The idle prince of the Beigong family, the Beigong Lie who has never been interested in royal power in his life and wanders around the world all day long?

No, that's not the point.

The point is, Bei Gonglie actually knows where the Gate of Time is!

He and Qiqi Ke searched for half a month, but found nothing.

Bei Gonglie actually said he could find it before dark?

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