Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2091 The man who came late

Qianqian Novel Network

"I'm late……"

What a familiar voice!

Although she knew that the other party could not hear her whispers on the other side of the time gate, Gu Qiqi still held back her tears and called softly: "Brother Chu..."

In this life, Brother Chu has passed away, but in the last life, Brother Chu was still alive.

It turned out that after the car accident in Qingcheng Hospital and Zhu You's crappy operation, Brother Chu did not die and lived until he was in his thirties, even longer than this life.

A strong feeling of guilt suddenly came over me.

Although she saved Brother Chu in the operating room in this life, in the end Brother Chu died ten years early because of her.

If you calculate it this way, in this life, because of her forced appearance, she intervened in his life, which actually accelerated his death...

With tears in her eyes, Gu Qiqi looked at the man walking hurriedly outside the classroom.

Ten years of wind and frost have not damaged Chu Junmo's appearance. He is still a good-looking man.

However, the unsuccessful operation at Qingcheng Hospital ten years ago still left him with sequelae - one of his legs was amputated and he was on crutches.

The sound of footsteps and the sound of crutches hitting the ground were like heavy hammers, hitting Gu Qiqi's heart one after another, making her extremely uncomfortable.

After getting closer, she clearly saw Jun Mo's pale face and thin skin, and suddenly mentioned with concern -

This is a state where the lamp is exhausted and the oil is exhausted.

Although Brother Chu is still alive at the moment, his spirit is almost exhausted and he may not be able to hold on for much longer.

So, how could Brother Chu suddenly appear in the dilapidated classroom of Qingcheng High School and find her before his body couldn't hold it anymore?

You must know that she was a completely unknown and transparent person back then.

All the achievements and honors in medical skills were shamelessly taken away by Gu Xuexue and kept as her own.

How could Brother Chu know that she was so transparent?

A hint of doubt appeared in Gu Qiqi's mind.

As soon as Chu Junmo stepped forward, he answered a phone call: "Secretary Jiao, please tell me."

"President! You must be careful. I just heard that the witch doctor's flame blood is very evil. It is inconvenient for you to take the blood yourself. Why don't you wait for me and I will bring someone here to take the blood with a special instrument... "

"It's okay, she's a little girl." Chu Junmo's voice was steady and calm, as always.

It's just that it's missing some temperature!

There were still tears in Gu Qiqi's eyes, and when she heard these words, her heart suddenly hit her.

The Brother Chu in his previous life seemed different from the Brother Chu she knew!

What's the difference? She was speechless for a moment.

Perhaps, he is more like the business tycoon that the world knows of as a quiet, decisive and ruthless business tycoon.

"President, but..." Secretary Jiao was still a little worried.

However, Chu Junmo had already walked to the classroom podium and saw the dead Gu Qiqi hanging upside down in front of the blackboard, covered in blood.

There were also people lying on the ground in various shapes.

Chu Junmo frowned: "I was preempted. Does anyone else know about this little girl's flame blood?"

Secretary Jiao hesitated: "I also bought the news from the Taoist. I don't know if anyone else knows..."

Chu Junmo leaned over to check the bodyguards, Gu Xiaobei and Gu Xuexue on the ground, and frowned.

The bodyguards fell to the ground one by one, struggling in pain, as if they had been poisoned.

Gu Xiaobei is dead.

The death was so tragic that it was comparable to the dead girl hanging upside down on the blackboard. Both were covered in blood, which showed that she had been extremely tortured before her death.

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