Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2125: Jumped out of bed in shock! 【Must see】

Chapter 2127: I jumped up from the bed in shock!

Gu Qiqi's heart softened, and she lowered her eyes and walked into the master bedroom.

After a while, he walked out gently on tiptoes.

But Gong Jue was blowing in the wind on the balcony, reflecting on life and failed marriage proposals, until dawn, before dragging heavy steps into the bedroom.

Sure enough, Gu Qiqi hasn't come back yet. She must have slept with the children, right?

Gong Jue was in a heavy mood. He had just thrown himself into the big bed when suddenly, he was hit in the face!


The man jumped up reflexively.

The next second, a hard card on the pillow fell into his hand.

The morning light of dawn shone on the palm of his hand.

I saw a line of delicate and beautiful handwriting on the card, meandering.

That is Gu Qiqi's font, which is very familiar.

But when he read the entire sentence, he jumped out of bed!

"Stupid man, since you told me that Xiaotuanzi is my child, then I will reciprocate and tell you that Nian Nian is your flesh and blood. Can you bear the thought that your child has been searching hard for his biological father?"

Biological daddy?

Gong Jue was completely stunned!

He stood stupidly in the middle of the bedroom and suddenly recalled that when he first met Beigong Nian Nian, she had been chanting "Wolf, Wolf, Daddy..."

He also said that he wanted to find a "real Dabi".

At that time, he was confused. Beigong Mingtian was still alive, and Chu Junmo and Wu Er were also hanging around her all day long. Why did the little thing want to find another daddy?

It turns turns out that Beigong Mingtian is not her biological daddy!

It turns out that children's words are unbridled, and children's words are the truth.

It was a pity that he was so miserable at the time, always thinking that Gu Qiqi and Bei Gong Mingtian were actually married, and that the child in Nian Nian was the fruit of their relationship, so he was depressed for a long time and did not even dare to approach Qiqi. recognize.

He missed a whole world of feeling!

Gong Jue was circling in the bedroom frantically.

He really wanted to rush into the children's bedroom, hug Gu Qiqi and little Niannian and kiss them fiercely.

But as soon as he reached the door, looking at the hazy morning light, he was reluctant to disturb them.

"Niannian...niannian...hahaha, my daughter! I have a daughter! My daughter's name is so nice!" Gong Jue was alone in the room, looking up to the sky and smiling stupidly.

The curvature of the lips almost filled the whole world.


In the early morning, Gu Qiqi took the two little guys to the hotel's exclusive beach to watch the sunrise.

The air was a bit cold, so Gu Qiqi wrapped a blanket around Nian Nian and Gong Ting, still worried that they would catch cold.

But the two little guys didn't feel cold at all.

They jumped up and down on the beach excitedly.

The view of the rising sun is so beautiful!

On the line between the sea and the sky, the huge red sun rises slowly. This spectacular sight is absolutely impossible to see in the city.

"Mommy, the sun is like a boiled egg!" Beigong said innocently.

"It's not boiled eggs, it's called soft-boiled eggs." Gong Ting corrected with a curl of his lips.

Gu Qiqi couldn't help laughing: "You are all right."

No matter how I look at the children I gave birth to, I feel beautiful in my heart. I really want to do nothing, be with them all the time, accompany them to grow up, and listen to them ask the most childish and cute questions.

Just as mother and child were laughing and watching the sunrise.

There was a series of fast, rustling steps on the beach behind me.

Before Gu Qiqi had time to look back, she fell into a strong and strong embrace!

"How should I punish you for doing such a big thing for me, huh?" Gong Jue smiled proudly, hugging Gu Qiqi, and his arms were so big that he hugged Nian Nian and Gong Ting tightly at the same time!

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