Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2133: Born a bitch!

Qianqian Novel Network

That night, Qin Wei rested in the suite of Qingcheng Hospital.

Inexplicably, I woke up in Gu Qiu Shan's room the next day.

Qin Wei was furious, but Gu Qiushan insisted that everyone was confused after drinking. He didn't remember what happened last night, let alone admitted that he plotted against Qin Wei, deliberately got her drunk and then took the opportunity to taint her.

This accident caused Qin Wei and Gu Qiu Shan to fall out and almost get divorced.

But then Qin Wei found out that she was pregnant with Xiaobei. Being kind-hearted, she did not abort this innocent child. She endured her anger towards Gu Qiushan and gave birth to her child.

But at the same time, she also made an agreement with Gu Qiu Shan not to allow him to get close to her bedroom!

It's a pity that Xiaobei was born with bad eyesight. Qin Wei, who was about to leave, had to stay and ask for medicine for Xiaobei...

In this way, Qin Wei single-handedly raised two children, Gu Qiqi and Gu Xiaobei.

She deposited her property in a Swiss bank safe and told Gu Qiqi to collect it only after she reaches adulthood and gets married.

She was just afraid that she would have another accident, so the money could protect Gu Qiqi and her sister from having to worry about food and clothing.

All these past events were written down in long letters by Qin Wei.

Very detailed.

At the end, Qin Wei also explained why she did not tell Gu Qiqi these past events in person, because these past events were too disgraceful and she really did not have the courage to talk about them in person, and because Gu Qiqi and Xiaobei were too young at the time, and she did not know Do they understand or not.

So write it on a letterhead and keep it open when they become adults.

Gu Xuexue read it over and over again several times, and finally understood the ins and outs of Qin Wei's coming to the Gu family.

Some of the key points that were puzzling back then were finally figured out!

No wonder……

Gu Qiqi is not from the Gu family at all!

It’s the seed of a wild man from somewhere outside!

That wild man made Qin Wei's belly bigger and rolled over. It was obvious that he was either a gangster or a rapist, and he was not a good thing.

Can a child born to such parents be a good thing?

She must be a born bitch.



Bitch! ! !

Gu Xuexue cursed countless times angrily.

It seems that because of this, Gu Qiqi should give up everything in the Gu family to her, and immediately vacate her position as the head of the Gu family! roll!

She straightened her waist and felt that Gu Qiqi was born to owe her and occupied the position that should belong to her.

I don't feel ashamed or blushing at all because I got so many priceless treasures because of plastic surgery to look like Gu Qiqi.

She ordered the bodyguards she hired to pack up and take away all Qin Wei's inheritance.

Just for the jewelry, eight large boxes were packed before they were finally full.

Before leaving, she saw the wolf tooth in the corner. After thinking about it, she asked the bodyguard to mix it with the jewelry.

"Anyway, it's too cumbersome to carry so many jewelry with you, and the target is conspicuous. Don't make a fuss that attracts the attention of thieves. Why not just auction them all in Switzerland, and I'll go back with the cash! This broken wolf tooth necklace is mixed in with the jewelry. Maybe I can still sell it for two bucks." Gu Xuexue had a wishful thinking in her mind.

However, what she never expected was-

All the jewelry together is not as valuable as that worn-out "wolf tooth necklace"!

When she was at the auction house and heard the manager's eyes light up and he almost knelt down and begged her to stay and wait for a while, she was completely confused.

Did she hear it correctly?

Just now she just said casually that these were her mother's relics.

Then the president grabbed the wolf tooth necklace and couldn't put it down, and what did he call her?

"your Highness!"

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