Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2138 Gu Qiqi’s identity

Qianqian Novel Network

When Bei Gonglie looked at Gu Xuexue's face, he could think of Mr. Ye's face. It was really similar!

It would be nice if Mr. Ye was not a man, it would be closer to what his daughter looks like in his mind.

But this Miss Zhu Fen is already 50% similar to him. This is definitely not a coincidence.

He already owed Qiangwei so much, and now he still wanted to make irresponsible remarks and doubts about Qiangwei's daughter. Qiangwei's spirit in heaven would not forgive him, right?

Therefore, he almost without hesitation and angrily rejected the auction house president's blood test and investigation proposal.

Seeing that Bei Gonglie was so angry, the president said in panic: "No, no, Your Majesty, this is not what I mean. The investigation is just a formality, and it is for the benefit of Miss Zhu Fen, so that no one will question Miss Zhu Fen in the future. The royal blood..."

Gu Xuexue narrowed her eyes, feeling extremely proud of Bei Gonglie's protection.

But he still had a coy look on his face: "Prince Beigong, what this president said makes sense. I have a low status. If I suddenly go to the royal family, I may be ridiculed and suspected by everyone. Forget it, I know there are still people in this world. As long as you care about me, there is no need to..."

If you want to pretend to be good, just pretend to the end!

Sure enough, Bei Gonglie took this move and retreated instead of advancing, his face darkened: "Who said you are of low status? Who dares to ridicule and doubt you? I will hold a banquet for you, so that everyone will know that I have a good daughter! "

Gu Xuexue held back the ecstasy in her heart and blinked her round eyes, which were barely wide open after her double eyelids were cut: "Prince Beigong, you are so good to me, how should I repay you..."

"Do you still call me Prince?" Bei Gonglie said lovingly, "Fenfen, your surname should also be changed. How about changing it to Bei Gong Fenfen?"

Gu Xuexue thought for a while, Beigong Fenfen was too ugly!

She couldn't help but suggest: "How about calling me Beigong Xuexue? I like the snowflakes in winter the most, they are pure and flawless. Mommy often says that you should be like white snow without any impurities..."

Bei Gonglie was very happy when he heard this: "Okay!"

She is indeed a daughter trained by Qiangwei. Her heart is so pure and she does not love wealth and power...

Bei Gonglie finalized the details of the royal banquet on the spot. In order to consider that Gu Xuexue was born and raised in the empire, holding the banquet in the empire would have a far-reaching and meaningful impact on the child's reputation and future, so he chose the location. In the imperial capital.

It just so happened that Beigong Mingtian was now living in the imperial capital, so he simply handed over some matters concerning the banquet to Beigong Mingtian to prepare.

During the phone call with Bei Gong Mingtian, he learned that Bei Gong Mingtian had married three years ago.

He casually invited Beigong Mingtian and his wife to come to the banquet. He also specifically asked Beigong Mingtian to contact Mr. Ye and invite Mr. Ye to come and share the joy!

This led to Beigong Mingtian's fatal series of calls. Even though Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi were still vacationing on the independent island in Northern Europe, they wanted to invite Gu Qiqi back.

"So Qiqi, are you going to participate as Princess Beigong, or as Mr. Ye?"

"Well, let me think about it!"

Gu Qiqi was still considering in what capacity she would attend the banquet.

On the contrary, Bei Gong Mingtian immediately called after him in a hurry: "Qiqi, I just made a mistake. My uncle's daughter is not Gu Xuexue, but Zhu Fen!"


"Ahem, cough, cough, I heard before that my uncle was going to change the name of his newly recognized daughter to Bei Gong Xuexue, and I also heard that the woman's voice on the phone sounded very similar to Gu Xuexue, so I thought it was Gu Xuexue! But the information sent showed that she was Zhu Fen! I heard that Zhu Fen is also your classmate?"

Gu Qiqi squinted her eyes, and her eyes deepened: "Zhu Fen? It's really an old classmate we haven't seen for a long time..."

But why did she have a hunch that this matter would not be that simple!

No matter how Zhu Fen looked at it, it couldn't possibly be Bei Gonglie's daughter, right?

It seems that for this banquet, her identity and the way she attends have to be carefully considered...

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