Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2140 Gu Qiqi must not be allowed to find her


Happy ass!

Gu Xuexue was extremely nervous for a moment.

If Qin Wei survives, she, the fake Gu Xuexue, will die.

Does Bei Gonglie really have any clues to prove that Qin Wei may not be dead?

Gu Xuexue's whole body tensed up, and she said to the phone in a trembling voice: "Dad, does your friend... have any specific clues?"

She had to find clues and eliminate them first.

Although she had only lived such a wonderful princess life for two or three days, she couldn't put it down and was unwilling to leave.

However, Bei Gonglie only answered vaguely: "There is no specific information yet. You don't have to worry about this matter. Dad will take the full responsibility and try to find out the news about your mother..."

Gu Xuexue couldn't keep asking any more questions, so as not to arouse Bei Gonglie's suspicion, she could only chat a few more words and hurriedly hung up the phone.

As soon as she put down the phone, she immediately called Xiahou Susu and explained the dilemma she was facing at the moment.

She has given all the beauty medicines left by Qin Wei to Xiahou Susu. Due to emotions and reasons, Xiahou Susu should help her overcome this difficulty.

However, on the phone, Xiahou Susu's tone was still so arrogant and snobbish: "If you want me to help you, what reward will you give me?"

Gu Xuexue almost ran out of breath and fainted.

She has given away so much of Qin Wei's inheritance, what else does the other party want in return?

Although Qin Wei’s jewelry and land deeds were sold for a lot of money, those beauty herbs are not cheap, right?

But she didn't dare to use these words to attack Xiahou Susu.

This female boss is so mysterious and powerful that she can't afford to offend her for the time being.

Gu Xuexue softened her tone: "Boss, if you help me pass the test this time and successfully enter the royal family, I will have the backing of the Beigong royal family. Will it be easy to take care of Gu Qiqi by then? Just do whatever you want me to do. How to do it. You see, with the status of a princess, even if you spread the news about that bitch Gu Qiqi cheating on her as a mistress, more people will believe her, right?"

On the other end of the phone, Xiahou Susu thought for a moment and thought it made sense. Then she asked, "What are your countermeasures?"

Gu Xuexue: "You must kill the account manager of the Swiss Bank. He has met me. It is also best to destroy the surveillance video there. Don't let anyone know that I took Qin Wei's inheritance."

Xiahou Susu snorted coldly: "Killing a small person, isn't that simple? Continue."

Gu Xuexue scratched her ears and couldn't think of anything: "Boss, I don't know if Qin Wei is still alive, and what happened during Qin Wei's lifetime... If anyone reveals it and is found by Bei Gonglie, I will be finished. . How to prevent Bei Gong Lie from finding Qin Wei..."

Xiahou Susu pondered: "Do Gu Qiqi's grandparents know about Qin Wei?"

Gu Xuexue: "I know. But Mrs. Gu has been sent to the Imperial Capital Prison by Gu Qiqi. It is said that she was bitten by insects all day long, covered with scars, and she has gone crazy. Mr. Gu is still alive, but he is closely protected by Gu Qiqi When he got up, outsiders generally couldn't see him. By the way, there was also Gu Qiqi's stepfather, Gu Qiu Shan. He knew Qin Wei's affairs best, but he had already been half-dead by Gu Qiqi. He was hanging in Qingcheng Prison for the last time. The tone, let alone providing clues, I probably can’t even identify the person now.”

Xiahou Susu: "Since these people are not enough evidence, who else is there?"

Gu Xuexue: "And... by the way, there is also my mommy Gu Meifeng. My mommy also knows all the history that Gu Qiushan knows."

"Where is Gu Meifeng?" Xiahou Susu frowned, "Don't let the bitch find you!"

Gu Xuexue raised her eyebrows in embarrassment: "She is..."

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