Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2145 Gu Meifeng’s final fate [must read]

"...Xuexue, hurry up and take action to kill Gu Qiqi. After you take over, you will have wealth and men, hurry up and rescue mommy... Uh... Uh! Xuexue, what are you doing..."

Gu Meifeng suddenly bent over in pain, covered her stomach, and groaned.

"Xuexue, hurry up, give me a hand, my stomach hurts... Where did you touch me just now?"

She was a little panicked. The pain came suddenly and was so heartbreaking that she couldn't bear it.

Gu Xuexue carefully put away a thin needle in her hand and grinned: "It seems that the poisonous needle the boss gave me is really powerful. I only poked it into your body once, and you had a poisoning reaction so quickly. , Mommy, thank you for letting me try the poison, I can still keep this injection and it will be of great use."

Gu Meifeng was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted, with a mixture of horror and anger on her face. She was so wonderful: "Xuexue, why did you attack mommy! I am your dearest and dearest mommy! You forgot why I entered the world. In jail? I went to jail to help you deal with Gu Qiqi, and to protect you, I shouldered all the slander charges and went to jail! How could you do this to me?"

Gu Meifeng roared heartbreakingly.

However, Gu Xuexue slowly put away the needle, then raised her head and glanced at her: "You ask me why I treat you like this? Haha."

She sneered again and again: "My dear mommy, have you forgotten that you sent me to a beauty salon and had me embedded with those perverted and perverted things so that I could serve those perverted and perverted old men according to your instructions? Is it time? Do you know that when it is cloudy and rainy, the healing wounds will hurt like tears? Do you know that even if it is not cloudy and rainy, every time you have sex with those disgusting old men, those things will hurt? It hurts me so much? You like such perverted beads, so you want me to become the same person as you?"

She took a step closer to Gu Meifeng, and whispered with a distorted expression: "As you wish, I have indeed become the same person as you now. Therefore, your existence has no meaning anymore, except to hold me back and give you I create trouble! Secrets about Qin Wei may be leaked at any time!"

Gu Meifeng was stunned and almost speechless.

She never expected that she would not die in the hands of Gu Qiqi, nor die in this prison with harsh conditions, nor be tortured to death by female prisoners, but in the end, she would die in the hands of her own daughter.

"Xuexue, give me the antidote quickly. Mommy knows that you are unhappy and want to vent. Come on, save me quickly. I can still help you. I am the only one who loves you the most in this world, Xuexue... "Gu Meifeng tried to coax Gu Xuexue to change her mind.


This time, Gu Xuexue was determined to step on Gu Meifeng's body and walk into a prosperous future.

"Dear Mommy, if you really love me, then die quickly." She smiled ferociously, "Didn't you just say that there is a big difference between jumping off a cliff and falling off a cliff. Then if you are killed by me, it will be different from you. Committing suicide yourself makes a huge difference."

Gu Meifeng's pupils suddenly widened, and she finally understood that Gu Xuexue really wanted her to die.

She wanted to say something else, but the poisonous needle was very strong. No scars or symptoms could be seen on the surface, but her internal organs were so painful that they were torn apart, and the poison had attacked her heart...

She opened her mouth and made a few whooshing sounds, then spit out a mouthful of blood unwillingly, and then fell to the ground like a zombie. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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