Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2147 The real and fake Gu Qiqi collided!

Gu Xuexue suddenly felt alarm bells ringing in her heart: No, she must keep this princess status as her own to consolidate her position, and she must not give it back.

No matter what, this father is hers!

Thinking of this, Gu Xuexue's voice on the phone became a little sweet: "Dad, why are you so good to me? I can't even repay you with my life..."

This meal was agreed upon by Gu Xuexue.

In the end, it was Bei Gonglie who made the arrangements and paid the bill.

Gu Xuexue just had to put on the princess dress he bought and dress up beautifully to attend.

She chose the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the Empire State Building.

Once, she and her mother spied on Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue eating through the crack in the door of the restaurant.

At that time, Gong Jue Qing Gu Qiqi had a very grand dinner. Not only did he clear the whole place, but he also specially made a romantic decoration and even asked the restaurant chef to prepare dishes that had never been served in the restaurant before.

It made her and mommy feel jealous.

As a result, the waiter in the restaurant sent her away like a beggar! Don't let her watch for too long at all.

It was as if she wasn't even qualified to take a look.

But now, she can stand up tall and walk in openly as a princess.

Gu Xuexue held Bei Gonglie's arm in a high-key manner.

Afraid that others wouldn't know how awesome she was, she felt that the waiters looked at her differently, and they all looked fawning.

Bei Gonglie was originally going to clear the place for her so that the two of them could enjoy a wonderful dinner in peace.


Gu Xuexue disagrees!

Clearance? Haha, doesn’t it mean there is no audience?

Who will appreciate her beautiful clothes after the venue is cleared, and who will be envious and jealous of Bei Gonglie's love for her?

So she insisted on not being there, and chose to eat during dinner time when there were the most people.

Of course, the reason must be: "Dad, don't spend so much money on me. We can just come and dine like ordinary people. Don't be special. The royal family also wants to enjoy themselves with the people."

Bei Gonglie admired her reason very much!

He nodded frequently: "What my daughter said is absolutely true. The royal family must put down its airs, not be special, and be close to the people... It's just that sometimes dad can't help but give you the best, because he owes you so much..."

Gu Xuexue rolled her eyes: "Wouldn't it be better if the diamond ring my father gives me in the future is bigger?"

Bei Gonglie was stunned: "Okay."

For some reason, he seemed to feel that Xuexue's eyes lit up when she mentioned diamonds.

It seems... very eager to possess, very possessive.

Gu Xuexue calmed down her expression, covered her lips and smiled: "Dad, I'm joking, hahaha..."

Bei Gonglie was stunned again: " doesn't matter. Dad was planning to give you a diamond ring...originally I had two Aurora Snow Beads..."

Gu Xuexue's eyes couldn't hide the desire in her heart again: "Really? Xue Zi and I match well, it sounds very expensive!"

She has never owned such an expensive diamond.

The corners of Bei Gonglie's lips twitched, a little embarrassed: "I gave it to a friend some time ago. I'm sorry, Xuexue. I'll help you find it again."

When he was in Hanbeiling, he gave it to Mr. Ye and the two little guys from Gong Jue's family.

For some reason, when he thought of those two cute little guys, it seemed that the "daughter" in front of him could no longer attract his attention.

Those two little guys are really cute. They don't care about the value of diamonds at all, but regard them as materials for scientific research and clothing aesthetic design... They are a bit different from Gu Xuexue, whose eyes light up when she hears the word diamond. .

Just as he was thinking about it, he didn't know if it was his hallucination, but he seemed to see Mr. Ye not far away, walking towards him with a smile... A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you, please WeChat/Letter/ Search for popular web articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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