Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2172 You kill someone, and I will collect the body!

"You, you!" Bei Gonglie almost spit out blood: "...!"

The eyes of the melon-eaters are even brighter!

"Wow, Grandpa Jue - he's so handsome!"

Seeing that Gong Jue and Bei Gong Lie were about to get into trouble, Gu Qiqi held her forehead and quickly walked down the escalator upstairs helplessly.

Well, it's a bit weak.

If Gong Jue hadn't insisted on holding her hand up and down in and out of the lounge just now while helping her change her leather shoes, she wouldn't have allowed the matter to escalate to this point.

Along the way, she saw many guests holding unsightly photos of "her" body and nakedness in their hands, and her eyes became colder.

Walking to Bei Gonglie, he said coldly: "Your Majesty, I brought Gong Jue. You gave me the invitation letter, and he entered the venue as my friend. This should be in line with the rules, right?"

As he spoke, he glared at Gong Jue, "Stupid man, you obviously had a legitimate way to get in. Can't you just make it clear to them?"

Why are you arguing with others if you have to behave like I am the best in the world and I will kill you if I want to?

Gong Jue glared back at her sadly: Isn't this just to vent your anger and support you?

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched a few times: I'll do it myself! Don't move!

Gong Jue's nose twitched a few times, and he looked into Gu Qiqi's eyes for a while... He was decisively defeated——

Okay, okay, you go into battle in person, kill people, and I will help you prevent fires and collect corpses from behind, okay?

Only then did Gu Qiqi look back with satisfaction.

Turning to Bei Gonglie: "Your Majesty, do you think what I just said is correct?"

As soon as Bei Gong Lie saw Mr. Ye appear, his expression softened a lot. Although he was still angry at Gong Jue, his tone was no longer so tough: "In this case, for the sake of Mr. Ye's face, I will naturally be lenient. , I won’t argue with him. Mr. Ye, if you don’t want to go outside, you should call me...Uncle Ariel, right?"

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "No need, in public, it is better to call you Prince."

She had already seen the photo in Bei Gonglie's hand, and she understood the cause and effect in a flash.

It seems that Bei Gonglie also misunderstood this photo as "Gu Qiqi"? That's why they shouted to fight and kill.

Faced with such a misunderstanding, please forgive her for not being able to call him uncle affectionately anymore.

As soon as Mr. Ye appeared, the crowd was excited.

Mr. Ye and the Duke are two completely different kinds of handsome guys.

Mr. Ye is an elegant and cool little brother, and the Duke is a wild man who defies heaven and earth and defies everything.

But these two people seem to be a good match when they stand together.

How fat is it that I suddenly feel like I want them to be together?

Among this crowd, only Beigong Mingtian and Wu Shijiu knew that Gu Qiqi was Mr. Ye, and Mr. Ye was Gu Qiqi. Therefore, their mood was completely different from that of the crowd.

They knew very well: Gong Jue and Mr. Ye were not a perfect match, but they had already been full of adultery and seemed to be a perfect match!

"Qi... Mr. Ye, welcome."

"Master Ye, you are here."

The two walked over familiarly and greeted Gu Qiqi.

Gu Qiqi smiled slightly and nodded: "Thank you."

These two words have profound meanings.

On the stairs, she heard the joint statement between Bei Gong Mingtian and Xiaojiu. She was very moved at that moment.

She has been worrying about how to tell the Beigong family about breaking off the engagement, and how to explain to Beigong Mingtian that she wants to end this marriage in name only.

But she never expected that Beigong Mingtian had already thought about it for her! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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