Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2177 The whole world is jealous of this princess

As the "real" Zhu Fen's voice came, the banquet hall was filled with shock.

"What? This little girl is Zhu Fen?"

"Who is Pig...Shit?"

"Oh, didn't Prince Lie just say that his daughter was separated when she was a child and was adopted by a surgical director named Zhu in Qingcheng. Her name was Zhu Fen? Oh my, she suffered a lot at that time..."

"What? You mean, this little girl named Zhu Fen is Prince Lie's daughter? Who is that person standing on the stage???"


After everyone reacted, they looked at Gu Xuexue on the stage wearing a golden princess dress and a pink veil with complicated eyes!

Who is that woman? The suspicion in everyone's mind is getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Bei Gonglie on the stage was also stunned.

However, unlike everyone else, he had been with Gu Xuexue for many days and had been brainwashed by Gu Xuexue for a long time. So when he saw Zhu Fen barging in, his first reaction was that Zhu Fen was deliberately causing trouble!

So he didn't immediately doubt Gu Xuexue's identity like everyone else!

He just turned around and asked Gu Xuexue: "Child, do you know this person...?"

Although it was just a gentle question, in Gu Xuexue's ears, it was no less than a thunder!

Her pupils shrank sharply, and an imperceptible panic flashed in her eyes: "Dad, she...she is a liar, you must not believe her!"

"Dad, there are many people who are jealous of your love for me. They will try every possible means to take away your love for me. Don't be fooled."

"Dad, look, it was a lovely dinner, and someone just sneaked in and posted that kind of photo. Isn't this messing with our recognition?"

"So...this woman must also have such sinister intentions!"

Gu Xuexue was stuttering at first, but later on, even the bed photo incident just now was shamelessly used as evidence that someone was jealous of her. As she talked, she believed it, and her tone became more and more firm. ——Anyway, women all over the world are jealous of her as a princess!

When Bei Gonglie heard this, his expression softened a little, and he hugged Gu Xuexue distressedly: "Xuexue, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you, and no one can stop dad from doting on you. Don't worry, dad will make the decision for you. !”

After saying that, he turned around and ordered the bodyguard: "Drive that crazy woman out and send her to the police station! How can we be so outrageous at a royal banquet!"

Hearing that Bei Gonglie was still so confused, Gu Qiqi in the audience shook her head in disappointment.

However, she was in no hurry.

Since she had found Zhu Fen from a foot washing shop in the suburbs of Qingcheng, and had escaped various assassinations of unknown origin, her journey would never be in vain!


As soon as Zhu Fen heard that she had been asked to take her to the police station by the bodyguards, she became excited!

"I am Zhu Fen, and the woman on the stage is a fake."

"Gu it you? I can recognize your voice even if it turns to ashes!"

"The college entrance examination ended three years ago. It was you who had a vicious mind and encouraged me to plot against Gu Qiqi. You called a group of male classmates to get her drunk and get her drunk, so that she could be taken over by those rotten people!"

"What's the result? All those vicious tricks of yours were punished on me!"

"Gu Qiqi was not tricked, but I fell into the trap and was screwed by those rotten people!"

"I admit that I am not poisonous or smart enough, and I admit that I was turned. But what about you? Not only did you not give me any comfort afterwards, but you ignored me, and even tried to push the bill of more than 100,000 yuan to me that night! "The online service of real girls will help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/search/search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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