Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2182 The mask is completely revealed!

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The senior English teacher, math teacher... and all the classmates in the senior class of Qingcheng High School, as well as the Chinese teacher, physics teacher, chemistry teacher who walked behind...!

In addition to Gu Qiqi, Yun Qiao who dropped out of school, Xiao Ning who had a disagreement with her family and was imprisoned by her family, and Yao Dazhuang who is already dead, there are a lot of them!

who is it?

Who had such a strong appeal to summon so many people from the senior class to the imperial capital?

Don't tell her that it was Zhu Fen who did it. Even if Zhu Fen wanted to be a princess, she wouldn't have the ability to organize such a large class reunion.

You must know that after the college entrance examination, everyone was scattered all over the country, and the relationship between classmates was not very close, and they never got together again.

Even when Qingcheng High School moved to a new teaching building last year and held a centenary celebration event, these students never went back to get together.

Nowadays, someone actually has such an awesome ability, he can bring almost everyone and teachers together, and even come to the imperial capital together!

This appeal alone was enough to make Gu Xuexue stunned.

Not to mention that the arrival of this group of people made it impossible for her to hide Gu Xuexue's voice and smile.

Unlike Gu Xuexue's surprise, Zhu Fen seemed to have expected everyone to come.

Seeing so many people greeting her at this moment, she almost forgot that she was not the one who organized so many people to come.

She straightened her back and said proudly to Gu Xuexue: "How? I have proof from all the classmates and all the teachers, what else do you have to say? Bitch!"

Gu Xuexue bit her lip, feeling confused. At this moment, she was like a bereaved dog walking to the edge of the cliff!

what to do?

what to do?

Now she has no way out!

The Jedi counterattack also failed!

Should we let that little bitch Zhu Fen sit back and enjoy the results of being a princess?

No, she still has a way!

She can also kill herself by biting her own Gu Qiqi!

Anyway, Gu Qiqi was not at the scene, so it was just what she said?

Even if...

She glanced at Gong Jue in fear.

There was only one man in the audience who could really make her feel what it meant to be "chilled to the bone."

But she really has no way out!

She must fight to the death.

Even if Gong Jue would be furious and refuse to acknowledge her, could Gong Jue tear her face off on the spot and say that she was not Gu Qiqi?

Even if Gong Jue wanted to take action, Bei Gong Lie would definitely not allow Gong Jue to smear the reputation of the royal family like this, causing the scene to be bloody!

Yes, she is not afraid, and she cannot be afraid.

What could be more terrifying than tearing her face apart in public? In order to keep the identity of this face, she must overcome her fear of the palace prince and say that she is actually Gu Qiqi, because Gu Qiqi raised a mistress and had a bed with Zhaoliu. She came out with a bad reputation, so she wanted to change her identity and start over with the reputation of a royal princess...

Are there any minor flaws in the logic?

Not smooth?

It doesn't matter, you don't care about the smaller details when doing big things.

As long as you can get through this hurdle, that's fine!

Gu Xuexue took a deep breath: "Even if you are Zhu Fen, I am Gu Qi..."

The word "Qi" was half spoken.

Suddenly, the classmates and teachers suddenly made way for a passage.

No one was listening to her at all.

Even the guests present, including Bei Gong Lie, all stared at the entrance of the banquet hall with wide eyes.

The Gong Jue at the VIP table even narrowed his eyes, raised his long legs, stood up from his seat, held Young Master Ye's hand tightly, and pulled Young Master Ye to stand up too!

who is it?

Who is coming?

He actually worked so hard and attracted the attention of the whole audience? ? ?

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