Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2191 Why did the steel ball fall to the ground?

The pile of beads Gu Xuexue embedded in the expensive private club helped her find all kinds of men in the past three years.

Indeed, as Gu Meifeng said, it is an artifact.

However, at the same time, there are endless troubles.

One of the worries is that the beads often become inflamed.

When the weather is hot and you sweat, you get inflammation.

Eating spicy food can cause internal heat and inflammation.

If you do that thing frequently and intensely, you will get inflammation again.

Not only did she need injections and medicine when she got inflammation, but sometimes she had to undergo a minor operation, and she had to endure the horrible feeling of scraping off the bad meat without anesthesia!

However, what is even more terrifying is the second worry - since the beads are embedded in the flesh and are only half-embedded, they must not be reliable enough.

So sometimes, if the wild man she climbs onto doesn't show mercy to her enough and uses too much force, the result is...the beads will fall off halfway!

With blood and flesh, it's like cutting off a finger with ten fingers connected to the heart, or like losing a piece of flesh after ten months of pregnancy... In short, it's a pain that words can't describe!

However, in the past three years, even if one or two beads occasionally dropped, it was very rare.

Why did it fall in large quantities today?

The tearing pain seized Gu Xuexue for an instant. She felt that all the beads that had been embedded in her body through cosmetic surgery were destroyed in one go, and not a single one was left.

What's even more frightening is that the secret she has managed to hide, the secret that can seduce men, is now so carelessly exposed in front of everyone.

The secret weapon of her body was just revealed!

And in such a messy and ugly way.

At this moment, Gu Xuexue, who was rolling on the ground, was really going crazy and wanted to die.

The people around me were stunned for a long time, and finally gradually understood:

"This floor seems to be made of special materials. I remember it was just renovated last month. It was said that it was replaced with arctic magnets. The aurora colors are particularly beautiful. The disadvantage is that the magnetism is relatively strong. The invitation to the dinner specifically stated not to wear a watch. Or come to the meeting with steel products, otherwise they will be damaged by the strong magnetism..."

"Holy shit, the floor is a magnet? So what fell from Gu Xuexue's body were really steel balls? Bloody steel balls!"

"So, she put steel balls in her body? Is she sick?"

"Haha, it's not that she is sick, but that she wants to seduce men too much! No wonder there are rumors that the Gu family has a beauty that is unique in the world, attracting many second- and third-rate men in the imperial capital to flock to it. I wonder what the secret is. ? It turns out it was just a dirty trick like embedding beads!"

"So, this is the beginning of the mother, and the daughter will follow the same example?"

"Aren't Gu Meifeng and her daughter too cheap? As women, we don't take good care of our bodies and don't respect the female organs given by God. Instead, we have to do such surgeries on ourselves to flatter and please men. This is really a disservice to us women. Shame on you!”

"Shame on you!"


"Deserve it!"

At this moment, Gu Meifeng is probably going to roll over in anger in her grave and die for the third time.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even have peace of mind after death, and he had to be dragged down by Gu Xuexue, his unsatisfactory daughter, who stabbed her in the spine and scolded her.

Gu Xuexue, who was accused by thousands of people, was finally handcuffed by the police again and carried out on a stretcher.

Before leaving the house and getting into the police car, Gu Xuexue was still trying her best to act crazy, even poking at the blood dripping down her skirt and the steel balls mixed in the blood that stuck to her skirt.

It makes people feel sick.

Some of the guests also whispered: "She seems to be crazy. Could she really avoid trial on the grounds of being insane?"

Hearing this, Gu Qiqi sneered and finally said lightly - a real lady is online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you~

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