Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2194 Shocking admission of mistake! Begging for understanding!

Seeing Bei Gonglie falling to the ground without any warning.

Everyone was stunned.

No one reacted.

Only Gong Jue frowned and quickly rushed onto the stage with his long legs.

"Stupid old man..." Gong Jue muttered angrily, "Although you are rude and like to pester my Qiqi, and you are hard-spoken and venomous, huh, you have the same virtues as that bad old man of mine! But after all, you There is a high possibility that he is Qiqi's father, I can't ignore you."

With that said, he took a quick step and picked up Beigong Lie just as his head hit the ground.

Bei Gonglie was stunned, never expecting that Gong Jue, who had always been at odds with him, would come to save him at this time.

When he thought about how he had raised eyebrows and raised eyebrows at Gong Jue, and how he didn't like it, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed: "Thank you!"

This young man may not be as ignorant and arrogant as he thought. Under the cold appearance, he may have a pretty enthusiastic heart.

Who knows.

Gong Jue didn't appreciate it and raised his chin proudly: "No need to say thank you. I just don't want you to kowtow to your head and make your not-so-smart mind even more stupid!"

Bei Gonglie: "..."

Okay, he takes back what he just said!

Seeing Gong Jue helping Bei Gong Lie up, Gu Qiqi's heart moved inexplicably in the audience.

The moment Bei Gonglie fell, she was really nervous!

Maybe some of the connections in the blood relationship are really destined by God. If Gong Jue hadn't saved Bei Gonglie just now, the old man would have really fallen on her head and suffered some irreparable damage. Would she regret it?

Do you feel that all the sadness and unhappiness you feel at this moment are a bit pretentious?

In the face of all misunderstandings, stupidities and passing complaints, life is always the most important.

The old people look strong, but in fact they are not young anymore. They have missed more than 20 years, do they really want to continue to miss it?

Gu Qiqi's feelings became more and more complicated.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw Bei Gong Lie on the stage sighing and holding up the microphone:

"I'm sorry, today I originally invited everyone to witness the recognition of my daughter and I, but I didn't expect that everyone would witness a joke. Gu Xuexue is not my daughter, everyone must know this. And Gu Qiqi...she is very Maybe she is my daughter!"

"Although she refuses to stay and recognize me, I still want to announce to everyone here that I, Bei Gonglie's only daughter, the daughter I have missed for twenty years, will definitely use everything I have to find her back. .”

"If she is angry with me, I will do anything to make her happy. If she does not want to see me, I will stay with her silently."

"Although she has left and can't hear what I said, I hope you will give me a testimony——"

"Reporters on the scene, don't stop your camera. Please report, record and broadcast my words as they are. I don't mind being seen by the whole world -"

"Because I want to say a few words to my child—"

"I'm sorry! Child, it was my fault! I was stupid! I was self-righteous! I...I am willing to do everything I can to compensate you, love you, and give you the best thing in the world that I can imagine! As long as you If I am willing to come back, I, Beigong Lie, don’t want this prince, or even this life, and I have no complaints!”

As soon as he finished speaking, all the guests present were shocked!

Everyone makes mistakes.

There are also many people who know their mistakes and can correct them.

However, an old father who was over fifty years old actually had the courage to admit his mistakes and even his stupidity in front of the whole world, and begged to win back his child's heart.

Such a sincere admission of mistake is probably rare in the world! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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