Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2196: Pamper her at all costs!

Gong Jue's face instantly darkened: "Don't even think about it? Gu Xuexue must have pretended to be Qiqi's identity to get the relic. Where is the relic now? Is it at that bastard woman's house?"

Adjutant Lu shook his head in embarrassment: "Gu Xuexue was kicked out of the Gu family a long time ago and became homeless. In the past, she fawned over men everywhere to take her in. This time she fawned over Bei Gonglie and lived in a hotel. According to the hotel waiter, she There is no luggage, just some gifts from Bei Gonglie."

Gong Jue frowned: "Didn't she swallow the inheritance?!"

That was Qiqi's biological mother Qin Wei, a precious memory left to Qiqi. How could it fall into the hands of outsiders?

That bitch Gu Xuexue deserves to die!

It seems that letting that woman go to jail will give her an advantage.

Huh, I won't let you have an easy time in prison!

Seeing Gong Jue's anger, Adjutant Lu quickly continued: "Sir, please calm down. Listen to me. I also found out that Gu Xuexue came out of the Swiss Bank and turned around and entered the auction house. It's just that the auction house has rules and never can. She easily discloses the customer’s products and prices, so we haven’t found out what she auctioned yet..."

Gong Jue angrily ordered: "Check it out for me! We must check everything thoroughly, and bring back all the things that have been lost to me at all costs!"

Adjutant Lu said nothing and immediately turned around to do it.

He has followed Gong Jue for many years and knows Gong Jue's temper very well.

Since Gong Jue has said that he will recover all her mother's inheritance for Miss Qiqi at any cost, then he must really mean it at any cost.

Even if it costs a fortune, it must be done, so as a subordinate, he just needs to do it!

Before leaving, he secretly glanced at Mr. Ye.

The strange thing is that there is no trace of envy or jealousy on Mr. Ye's face.

The Lord is so kind to Miss Qiqi, Master Ye is not jealous? Why doesn't he believe it?

Adjutant Lu lowered his eyes and said secretly in his heart: A man is a man. No matter how charming and handsome Mr. Ye is, he can't marry the prince and give him a child, right?

The idea just came up.

But I heard the little girl behind me ask Xiaotuanzi: "Brother Tuanzai, do you think a man can marry a man?"

The two little guys were trying hard to make Gu Qiqi happy, so they chose funny and exaggerated topics to talk about.

Of course, Adjutant Lu didn't know this.

He couldn't help but take a few steps slowly and prick up his ears to listen.

The knowledgeable Gong Ting raised his chin and replied arrogantly: "Of course it is possible in theory. Although the empire cannot, many countries in the world allow same-sex marriage, which is also a choice that respects the freedom of marriage. .”

The little girl smiled happily: "Great, great! Then..."

When Adjutant Lu heard this, his heart beat wildly, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.


Can men really get married?

It seems that until the last moment, it is not decided whether the lordship will tie the knot with Miss Qiqi, or whether Mr. Ye will bury the skylight.

Oh my god, the world is crazy!

Lieutenant Lu was half lame and ran away.

I didn't even hear what Xiao Naibao said next: "If men and men can get married, then can the two male snow wolves that I, Langlang Babi, raise at home, get married!"

Xiaotuanzi said with a dark face: "That's an animal. How can animals get married?"

The little girl said seriously: "How can you raise a baby without getting married? Brother, you are too ignorant."

Xiaotuanzi: "..."

Gu Qiqi smiled uncontrollably, and the worries and worries just now were swept away! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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