Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2202: The college entrance examination application that was changed that year

"In reply to Princess Qiqi, this little red building is the residence of my eldest young master. The eldest young master likes peace and quiet, so he lives here alone and does not want to live with others." The servant replied respectfully.

Gu Qiqi tugged her lips and frowned: "Young Master? Is that Bai Yeyuan's room? Does Xiao Ning live with him?"

The servant smiled: "Replying to Princess Qiqi, the eldest young master dotes on the young lady the most. He said that the conditions in the school dormitory are too difficult, so he specially invited her to live at home. Our eldest young master has mysophobia, and no other woman can even think of entering this door. , not even the former Miss Jasmine and Miss Poppy can touch a single brick of this villa. But Miss Dudu Ning, he is allowed to spend the night here..."


Haha, it sounds like grace.

Bai Yeyuan really thinks he is the emperor, is he just playing the trick of hiding a beauty in a golden house?

Gu Qiqi frowned slightly: "Okay, you can go, I will go see Xiao Ning myself. Also, don't call me princess again."

The servant made a sad face: "Princess Qiqi, this is against the rules..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Qiqi opened the door and walked into the little red building.

Haha, Bai Yeyuan regards himself as the emperor, but unfortunately, I never take the emperor seriously. Today I want to see what you are doing by locking Xiao Ning here!

Once inside, thick silk curtains hung to the floor, completely blocking out the bright sunshine outside.

Gu Qiqi squinted her eyes before adapting to the dim light in the living room.

She called out: "Little lemon?"

No one answered.

According to the servant, Xiao Ning usually lives on the top floor, which is a small suite on the third floor.

Bai Yeyuan's bedroom is on the second floor and is a large suite.

Gu Qiqi walked directly up the stairs to the top floor.

Xiao Ning's bedroom door was unlocked and opened with a push.

The curtains were not drawn, but the interior was neat, warm and clean. It looked like a girl lived there.

There was no one inside.

Gu Qiqi even looked for the bathroom in the suite, thinking that she had taken a bath for too long and slept in the bathroom, but there was no one there.

Her brows furrowed even more tightly.

Could it be that Xiao Ning escaped?

Xiao Ning has always loved freedom. Back in Qingcheng, when the college entrance examination was over, she bravely fought against the Xiao family for her college entrance examination aspirations.

Xiao Ning doesn't like medicine, but the Xiao family must force her to study medicine.

It's a pity that the struggle failed... Later, she was imprisoned and secluded by the Xiao family for a long time. I heard that it was this uncle Bai Yeyuan who personally changed her wish and let her study veterinary medicine.

Speaking of which, Xiao Ning is somewhat similar to her previous life, but also somewhat different, because Gu Meifeng and Gu Qiushan wanted to change her will and not let her study medicine in order to ruin her future, to enslave her and exploit her; while the Xiao family and Bai Yeyuan wanted to change her will and not let her study medicine. Changing her choice for Xiao Ning is for Xiao Ning to have a better future, and it is in the name of love.


Sometimes coercion "in the name of love" is only one step away from hating or harming someone.

Gu Qiqi sighed and went downstairs.

When she passed the stairs on the second floor, she glanced at the door of the large suite on the second floor.

The servant said that it was Bai Yeyuan's exclusive bedroom.

Logically speaking, Xiao Ning couldn't be there. Her uncle was so mysophobic, and even the servants knew that they lived separately... It was inappropriate for a big girl to stay in her uncle's room in broad daylight, right?

Xiao Ning probably wouldn't do that.

However, I don’t know why, but by some strange coincidence, her steps happened to be moving in that direction! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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