Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2210 Cuckolding Bai Yeyuan

Gu Qiqi arranged for Xiao Ning to intern at a law firm. On the one hand, she wanted to help Xiao Ning realize her desire to work independently.

On the other hand, I also hope that Xiao Ning, a very nervous guy, can get more involved in legal matters and slowly wake up to the fact that it is illegal for Bai Yeyuan to violate her like this!

You should be brave enough to protect yourself with legal weapons!

There are worldly human relationships and powerful laws in this world!

There is nothing that cannot be resolved or the situation can be reversed.


When she returned to Mo Garden at night and talked about this matter with Gong Jue, Gong Jue squinted his eyes and asked her with deep eyes: "Aren't you doing this to create a chance for her to meet Mu Tianyu? Haha, you are blatantly looking for a wild man for Xiao Ning, are you indirectly cuckolding Bai Yeyuan? My woman is indeed very courageous!"

Gu Qiqi was slightly startled: "I didn't think so at all...Why did you think of Brother Tianyu?"

Gong Jue snorted unhappily: "Don't call him something ambiguous like Brother Tianyu! Don't think that I don't know that you are the major shareholder of that law firm, and Mu Tianyu is the second shareholder! Xiao Ning is an intern under him, can How can I not get his step-by-step guidance? How can I not face him day and night? How can I make a flower out of a wall..."

"Gong Jue!" Gu Qiqi stopped him angrily.

Why do men and women always think so differently? She really hasn't thought about it from this perspective.

She started it entirely from a work perspective, but when it came to Gong Jue's words, it turned into a relationship between a man and a woman.

However, Gong Jue was still confident: "Why, I'm wrong? I still don't know what a man is thinking about all day long? By then Xiao Ning went to the law firm, and Mu Tianyu stared at her all day long. I guarantee that he will do it every day. You will think about that kind of thing in five minutes!—Unless he, Mu Tianyu, is not a man!"

Five minutes each? Just think about that shameful thing?

Gong Jue, is that you? ? ?

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched fiercely, and she smiled angrily: "Well, actually you are right. Anyway, Brother Tianyu and Little Lemon are engaged, so it would be good to have more contact. It is better than being with Bai Yeyuan. That old man hangs out with me all day long, and is full of energy... Hey, hey, Gong Jue, why are you pinching my waist?"

"Old man? Huh? Do you think I am an old man?" Gong Jue's big palm reached into her waist to explore, "Do you want me to let you experience the power of an old man now?"

Only then did Gu Qiqi realize that she had forgotten that Bai Yeyuan and Gong Jue were almost the same age.

If she dissed Bai Yeyuan as an old man, wouldn't she accidentally hurt Gong Jue who was also an old man?

"No, no, you are not an old man. Bai Yeyuan is older than you!" Gu Qiqi quickly came to the rescue.

I originally wanted to say that Bai Yeyuan is older than you, but as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he accidentally turned out to be older than you.

Fortunately, they all have the same meaning. Anyway, it’s just a matter of coaxing Gong Jue to understand.

who knows.

It's better not to coax.

After being coaxed, his hair exploded.

Gong Jue's hand tore off the pants in her nightgown, grabbed her hand, and pressed it on his little Gong Jue: "You said Bai Yeyuan's is bigger than mine? You Are you sure? Is he competing with me? I will kill him instantly!"

Gu Qiqi's eyelids twitched in silence: "That's not what I said..."

She obviously meant older age, so how could this stupid man have the ability to interpret it as a comparison of the size of that thing?

However, before she finished speaking, Gong Jue had already sealed her lips! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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