Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2213 The young genius of the Bai family

There is a kind of tranquility in the Zen room late at night that is different from that in the city.

Even when Xiahou Susu stepped in, she couldn't help but restrain her previous sharpness, and her steps became light and slow.

Opening the curtain, I saw a plain white figure with a pale pink rose embroidered on the white robe. The whole person was dignified and solemn, and he was reciting Zen in a low voice.

"Sister Qiangwei." Xiahou Susu couldn't help but call out.

Bai Qiangwei frowned and turned back suddenly: "What did you call me?"

Only then did Xiahou Susu realize that she had impulsively used an inappropriate name just like Bai Moli usually called her.

If you want to change it, it will definitely be too late.

She could only smile reluctantly: "Sister Qiangwei, I am Jasmine's good friend, so I am used to calling you the same as Jasmine."

This explanation is passable, right?

Who knows, Bai Qiangwei is not that easy to fool, she said coldly: "Why have I never heard Jasmine say that she has a so-called friend like you?"

Xiahou Susu rolled her eyes in her heart.

Once upon a time, the world only knew that Bai Moli was a young genius in the Bai family. She became a female doctor at a young age and even entered a top research institute as an associate professor...

But no one knows that the real young genius of the Bai family is Bai Qiangwei.

When Bai Qiangwei was three years old, she could recognize all the Chinese herbal medicines in medicine books.

When I was five years old, I followed the old lady into the mountains to collect herbs. I dug casually and found an old wild ginseng that had matured over a thousand years.

When she was eight years old, Bai Qiangwei casually mentioned a business strategy that brought Bai's Chinese Medical Hall back to life and prospered. To this day, it is a leader in the imperial medical field alongside Chu's Pharmacy.


Bai Qiangwei has been weak since she was a child, and she is getting weaker!

People who are familiar with it say that this is too much talent and the body is ruined.

Moreover, she dislikes going to school extremely.

While others were already in elementary school at the age of seven or eight, Bai Qiangwei still locked herself in her room and read ancient medical books.

While others were in their teens and in junior high school, Bai Qiangwei was still immersed in her boudoir, fiddling with bottles and jars, saying she wanted to develop the most magical rejuvenating beauty medicine in the world to restore the youth of Mrs. Bai.

At first, Mrs. Bai would still mutter a few words. Later, Mrs. Bai got old and confused, and she no longer cared about her. She could do whatever she wanted. As long as she took good care of her body and had no problems, no one in the Bai family dared to interfere with her. choose.

The Bai family has already lost its leader Bai Yun. Now except for Bai Yeyuan who is in charge, Bai Lang is unreliable, Bai Moli is also dead, and Bai Qiangwei is becoming more and more Buddhist in the Bai family.

Xiahou Susu narrowed her eyes. Facing a smart person like Bai Qiangwei, she had to mix truth and lies so as not to reveal her secrets: "Sister Qiangwei, Jasmine and I are gentlemen. Although Xiahou Susu's friendship is as light as water. My family has little contact with the Bai family, but my father is a military doctor, and Jasmine is a professor at the VIP laboratory of the Military Medical University. She and I met in the laboratory, and we hit it off at first sight. Although we are usually busy and don’t have time to get together, we always get together at every gathering. Drinking until dawn. Jasmine’s favorite wine is Bloody Mary. I like sparkling champagne the most. We have a great time drinking and talking, and we have a lot of fun every time..."

Bloody Mary?

Bai Qiangwei nodded lightly.

Her younger sister usually behaves politely on the outside, but actually likes heavy-flavored things, such as drinking, and what she drinks is this concoction.

Her expression softened slightly: "You know her well."

Xiahou Susu felt a little proud and thought to herself, "Can't I understand? I am her."

She has full confidence that she can take down Bai Qiangwei!

Before Gu Qiqi recognizes her mother!

Seeing that Bai Qiangwei gradually believed her words, she began to deliberately steer the topic in a certain direction: "If Jasmine hadn't been killed by Gu Qiqi...I'm afraid I would still have a chance to join her today and drink with you, Sister Qiangwei. Chat..." Online service of real girls, help you find books to chat with you, please WeChat/Letter/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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