Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2216: His sister’s enemies are coming for him!

Gu Xiaobei originally thought that Qiqi was looking for him, but then he thought it was impossible.

He was still in Mo Garden this morning, helping Qiqi take care of Xiao Naibao and Xiao Tuanzi. He was a good uncle for most of the day, playing and playing wildly with them.

When Qiqi came back, she looked very tired and worried. She went upstairs to rest without saying a few words to him.

Then his brother-in-law Gong Jue also came back, and he left Moyuan and went back to the school cafeteria for dinner.

If Qiqi came to him, she would definitely tell him something in Moyuan.

How could he even make a special trip to school?


There is a faint longing in his heart, hoping that his sister will come to him, right?

After having a brother-in-law and a child, he spent less and less time alone with his sister.

As soon as Xiaobei rushed out of the dormitory door, he saw the woman standing in front of the door with a smile on her face.

He frowned.

He guessed correctly, it was indeed not Gu Qiqi who came to see him.

But he never imagined that the person who came to see him was actually his sister's enemy!

That's right, this Xiahou Susu once played tricks in court, slandered his sister and gave false testimony, which almost cost his brother-in-law his life. But he kept it in his memory and remembered it all!

Anyone who his sister hates will be hated by him to the end without any discussion!

Thinking of this, Xiaobei's face turned cold, and he didn't even want to say a word to a lotus bitch like Xiahou Susu.

Turn around and leave!

"Hey, stop!" Xiahou Susu had just hit a soft nail with Bai Qiangwei, but unexpectedly she hit a hard nail with Gu Xiaobei.

It was so unpleasant.

Gu Xiaobei said nothing and continued walking inside.

The corners of Xiahou Susu's lips twitched and she thought to herself, "The hell you and Gu Qiqi are not related by blood. Why are you pretending? You want to imitate the bitch mother and daughter Gu Qiqi and Bai Qiangwei in front of me, pretending to be cool." What about calmness?

Don’t forget that you, Gu Qiu Shan, Gu Meifeng and Gu Xuexue are the same people!

Seeing that Gu Xiaobei ignored her at all, Xiahou Susu could only take a few steps quickly and grabbed Gu Xiaobei's clothes without hesitation: "Hey, after Gu Qiqi recognized her biological father, shouldn't you sever the relationship between siblings?"

She decided to cut back on the pleasantries and get to the point!

After all, just now Xiaobei didn't even look at her as she unbuttoned two shirts, leaving the tarmac with a white scenery.

It can be seen that he is still a young bird who does not understand emotions.

Simply don't waste that time and confuse this young man's mind.

Gu Xiaobei paused!

He took a deep breath and said, "Who said we have to sever ties? Don't slander me! We're fine."

"Okay? Okay, why didn't she take you to live in Moyuan and let you live in a shabby place like a dormitory? Haha, the conditions in the male dormitory in the university are very bad, right? Other boys don't like to be clean. They don't wash their smelly socks for a month and throw them away. At your bedside, right? There are people who don't brush their teeth and drink from your water bottle... and there are people who bring their girlfriends back to have sex with you, and chase you out for hours... She doesn't even consider this for you, and she still says she loves you? She also said that you have a good relationship? I think she doesn’t want to be with you at all! She is deliberately looking for excuses to drive you out of her life! "

The last sentence deeply hurt Xiaobei's heart.

No, my sister is not like that!

His studies, his hobbies, and even his regained sight were all given by his sister, who never abandoned him in the most difficult moments, let alone now! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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