Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2219 You were born to be my toy!

novel network

After being imprisoned for so many days, Xiao Ning felt like she was almost covered in hair!

The classmates all found their favorite jobs one after another, but she was the only one who was locked up at home, forced by Bai Yeyuan to become the archivist who continued to be locked in a cage.

She doesn't want it! ! !

She was desperate, and no company in the empire dared to hire her. Fortunately, she still had her best friend Qiqi, who helped her get in touch with such a good job as a paralegal. She must do a good job!

She slipped out of her home and went straight to the Universe Law Firm.

Hearing that she was here to be a paralegal, the lively and cheerful little girl at the front desk led her directly to a lawyer's office: "Lawyer An, your new assistant is here."

"Name!" Female lawyer An Wanru said without raising her head, cherishing her words like gold.

When Xiao Ning saw that she was a female lawyer, she immediately felt very fond of her.

Oops, I recently heard from classmates who are looking for a job that there is a big difference between society and school. The workplace is very complicated and there are many unspoken rules.

Especially if you are a secretary to a male boss, you will be spoiled, accompanied by drinks, etc., but this is a common thing, and some are even particularly excessive. They will also... use your high position to bully you, intimidate you, and make you do some very shameful things. matter!

Simply terrible!

Xiao Ning felt psychologically shadowed after hearing this.

Therefore, when she saw that her future boss was a female lawyer, her eyes lit up and she felt that she could feel completely relieved.

Although she is not very beautiful, far from a beauty like Qiqi, she is still a little girl after all, and it is still a bit dangerous to follow a male boss.

"Why are you so confused when I ask your name? Don't you understand that time is money?"

Above his head, a cold and displeased scolding suddenly came.

Xiao Ning was startled and quickly came to her senses.

Oops, her boss asked her her name. Why is she thinking so much?

"Xiao Ning! My name is Xiao Ning, Xiao from the wind and the cold water, and Ning from the lemon. The meaning of my name is bravery, health, and positivity..." Xiao Ning quickly introduced herself with a smile.

Unexpectedly, An Wanru interrupted her impatiently before she finished speaking, and said to the little girl at the front desk: "Who recruited this person? Did you give me an interview? Did I agree?!"

After a series of pressing questions, the little girl at the front desk couldn't get off the stage.

Xiao Ning was even more stunned.

Her female boss seems...not to have a very good temper...

The little girl at the front desk quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Lawyer An, it was the BOSS who personally called last night to ask Miss Xiao Ning to come to work as a trainee lawyer. Because you are the only one without a paralegal in the law firm, so HR The department will arrange it for you..."

An Wanru snorted coldly: "You want the big boss to pressure me? Haha, do you know that everyone in the law firm, including the big boss, knows that I, An Wanru, only want people who can do things and have professional qualities!" Others may be happy to flatter the boss, so they can just accept these scraps. I won’t accept them until I’m done with them! Get out of here!”

Xiao Ning: "..."

I never expected that female bosses are scarier than male bosses.

She was judged to be "a piece of shit" before she even served her boss at work.

Could it be that...same-sex repels?

You tell me to go away, I don’t want to serve you yet!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Ning was about to turn around and slam the door away.

Suddenly, Bai Yeyuan's gloomy and cold sneer appeared in his mind: "Xiao Ning, what did I say? You were born to be my toy, and you are only qualified to lie down and fuck me! You still want to find someone you like? Job? Do you think you can find it? Tell me what you can do? Huh? Besides lying under me and calling you, what else can you do? You don’t know your own abilities!"

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