Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2224 The fox’s feet are exposed

novel network

A cold scolding came, and her voice was completely different from Zhu Qianqian's. It was a kind of domineering attitude: "Childish point of view! The first impression you give to customers is your overall image. If the overall image is not good, you No opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism."

Xiao Ning's back stiffened.

Oh my god, my immediate boss is here!

"Lawyer An!"

Xiao Ning bent down respectfully and took a closer look. An Wan was wearing a gray suit again today, but it was dark gray, which was a little different from yesterday's lead gray suit.

The color of the shoes also changed, this time they were dark brown lace-up short boots.

It looks more capable and chic.

Workplace textbook...

Xiao Ning sighed with emotion, especially what An Wanru said just now made so much sense.

If her image is not good, then others will not even give her a chance to speak. How can she have a chance to show her strength?

She must remember this lesson firmly.

Xiao Ning suddenly felt a little grateful to An Wanru. This woman was cold, but her words were very powerful, and she could really learn something from her.

However, the next second, she couldn't be grateful anymore.

"Your image score is zero, your work experience is zero, and your professional ability... Did you study veterinary medicine? Have you never been exposed to the legal profession? I'm sorry, but your professional score is also zero. Xiao Ning, your interview score is three zeros ." An Wanru said coldly.

Zhu Qianqian secretly curved her lips.

Haha, just now I thought An Wanru wanted to speak for this idiot.

As expected, An Wanru couldn't stand fools. This time, Xiao Ning was able to drive him out without her taking any action. She was far away from the boss. Don't even try to seduce him, you bitch!

When Xiao Ning heard An Wanru's comment, her face suddenly turned pale.

The circles under my eyes, which were darkened after staying up late, are now a little red!

Three zero points...

She tried so hard to prove herself, but she got zero points?

Qiu Xinxin at the front desk hurried over with two cups of coffee and two sandwiches: "Little Lemon, I'll give you half of your breakfast..."

When you see that the atmosphere is not right, shut up immediately.

Oh my god, Little Lemon works so hard, but still can’t stay in the company?

The company is like a step-by-step machine every day, and everyone is a workaholic in an atmosphere of seriousness. It's such a pity that such a cute and adorable colleague finally came here, but he didn't have the chance to stay...

Zhu Qianqian was sure that An Wanru would fire Xiao Ning, so she played the role of a kind-hearted old man: "Lawyer An, won't you think about it again? This is a person with connections, someone who was forced in through our boss's relationship... You Will this offend the boss? I think it’s better to give her a chance..."

But as he spoke, he showed his flaws: "If she can't even post the invoice, then you can arrange other tasks for her. For example, she can clean the bathroom. She always does unskilled tasks like brushing the toilet. You can do it, right? Oh, by the way, you can also buy coffee for everyone every day. It saves everyone’s time and also helps increase the company’s profits..."

This sour suggestion made Xiao Ning want to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

Is she so bad, so miserable?

Does she really not have the ability to stay in this company?

Did she embarrass Qiqi so much? Let Qiqi's subordinates laugh at her for being someone who can only clean toilets and buy coffee for everyone?

But Zhu Qianqian was still secretly suggesting: "Lawyer An, I think if you really want to fire this assistant, well, given the process of our human resources department, it's best to suggest that you issue a written appraisal of her just three Please explain your zero-point assessment result. This will convince the people above you more and let the boss recognize such a person clearly. It is best not to open a back door for her in the future..."

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