Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2231 The fierce female general!

Only then did everyone come back to their senses, and their spirits became even more tense - oh, there were dozens of black figures pressing down on the formation, breathing heavily, walking towards them step by step.


The weapons in hand cannot be used.

The sniper rifle was damaged by water.

Tiny explosives blow themselves up...

Are you going to fight those two-meter-tall monsters on the opposite side with your bare hands?

With the faint light of the Aurora Snow Beads, everyone could vaguely see that the monsters were covered in fur. They even had arms and legs when they stood up, and their faces were covered with thick fur. They looked like savages...or wild bears. ?

The skin is so thick that even a gun can't penetrate it, right?

It's not that they are cowardly. At this moment, being approached by such a terrifying monster, their legs are shaking a little. This is not a confrontation with the enemy at all, but a confrontation between humans and monsters.

However, Gu Qiqi's cold and firm voice rang in her ears:

"Follow my command, I, Gu Qiqi, will definitely take you out alive!"

"Can you use a crossbow?"

"Can you make the seven-character formation?"

Inexplicably, this voice has a sense of calming the military and giving people strength!

The soldiers responded in unison: "Yes!"

"Take it!"

In mid-air, the silver light of several cold weapons flashed, and in each soldier's hand, there was a retro crossbow and a number of small silver arrows that shimmered with silver light.

"Four people at three o'clock, one person at six o'clock, and two people at nine o'clock. Get ready, raise the angle to 45 degrees, and put -!"

Gu Qiqi's orders came one after another!

The soldiers hardly used their brains to think, and instinctively fired arrows according to Zhao Qiqi's command.


Seven arrows burst out simultaneously.

Hit the monster's eye hidden in the hair!

"Plop——! Plop——!" The monsters fell into the water one after another, causing a large splash.

The soldiers looked at each other and smiled, full of surprise.

There is a kind of heroic spirit that goes back to the ancient battlefield, the era of cold weapons, and the competition in the Central Plains.

However, the next second, their hearts jumped again - seven monsters fell into the water, but more monsters came over.

If the single-plank stone bridge were not too narrow, the monsters could have trampled them all to death just by charging towards them!


No matter how accurate their archery is, they can't fight against too many monsters.

Just when people's hearts were slightly agitated, Gu Qiqi's cold voice rose again: "Go on! Two people at ten o'clock, one person at two o'clock, two people at six o'clock, get ready, raise thirty-five Angle, put——!”

She was still so commanding and determined, never flinching.

The soldiers couldn't help but put aside their worries and chose to follow her and continue the attack.

As the second batch of arrows were released.

The sound of plopping water falling into the water was endless.

Only then did everyone gradually see the secret of Gu Qiqi's command.

She didn't just let everyone shoot arrows casually.

The order and angle of the arrows, and even the order and direction of the monsters falling into the cold pool, are all carefully calculated.

When one monster fell, at least three more monsters fell down.

And these monsters are so huge that it will take a long time to stand up again!

This operation is awesome.

It turns out that the legend of a powerful warrior who can defeat a hundred people with one man standing in his way has real basis.

The girl Qiqi in front of them was such a calm and fierce female general!

Everyone's morale was immediately boosted, and everyone concentrated on carrying out Gu Qiqi's orders under unclear light.

Finally, dozens of monsters were hunted and killed.


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