Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2238 Burned to ashes so that even your mother can’t recognize her

"Did Xiahou Susu do it?" Gu Qiqi's eyes turned cold.

Just now, the female voice coming out of the monitor and the wall indeed had a tone that sounded like Xiahou Susu's.

But for some reason, she always felt that there was a smell of someone else.

A person who is very familiar and yet very far away.

I can't remember it.

Why did Xiahou Susu hate her so much and wished she would die? Was it really just to compete for the palace title?

This question puzzled her.

A woman's intuition told her that it would never be that simple.

Xiaobei saw that she was deep in thought, and weakly tried to comfort her: "Sister, you don't have to worry about her running away after her identity is exposed. I have installed a positioning system on her mobile phone without anyone noticing. You can start tracking by logging in to this website. Her function..."

He used a weak voice to quietly remind Gu Qiqi.

Gu Qiqi was surprised and moved at the same time.

What surprised me was that Xiaobei's hacking skills had become so powerful. What was touching was that Xiaobei was in jail himself, but he still remembered to help her find the culprit.

Her Xiaobei!

"Sister, I know, be good, stop talking and save your strength! I will take you back now, and I will make sure you are as good as before!" Gu Qiqi stared at Xiaobei's severely burned body and made up her mind.

Although her attainments in cosmetology are far less than those of her mother Qin Wei.

But for Xiaobei, she will become an expert in cosmetology, just like she studies eye surgery and heart surgery, and reshape Xiaobei's appearance!

Unexpectedly, Xiaobei shook his head desperately: "Sister, please leave me alone. You quickly track down Xiahou Susu and don't let her escape! She wants to kill you. If you don't take the opportunity to catch her this time, it will be difficult in the future... ...You, if you don't catch her, I, I won't leave, and I won't treat her..."

Gu Qiqi felt moved and helpless in her heart.

In order to let her get rid of the problem, Xiaobei didn't even care about his own burn condition.

How does this work?

It seems that it is time to wait for Xiaobei to recover from his illness and find a powerful girl to take good care of him and take care of him.

Thinking about it, she smiled slightly: "Well, it's up to you."

However, Sushou quietly raised his hand behind Xiaobei! One shot!

Xiaobei's vision went dark and he fainted in her arms!

Gu Qiqi then raised her chin, looked around the tomb, and said in a cold voice: "Xiahou Susu, I don't care which dark corner you hide in, please remember this for me - today you calculated Xiaobei's debt, I I’ll pay you back tenfold! Do you dare to blow up my brother? I’ll burn you to ashes and your mother won’t even recognize you!”

The tomb is quiet.

The walls no longer made the slightest sound.

I don’t know if Xiahou Susu heard her announcement, but I am sure that Xiahou Susu must have secretly evacuated.

She hugged Xiao Bei, rode the Snow Leopard, and jumped out of the tomb.

Facing us, Gong Jue's soldiers rushed towards them, shouting and screaming:

"Miss Qiqi, are you okay?"

"Miss Qiqi, you scared us to death. Please don't abandon us. Without you, we would have been chased and bitten by snakes along the way..."

"Miss Qiqi, this is Xiao...Young Master Xiaobei you are holding? He is indeed..."

Everyone wanted to speak but stopped.

As they expected, Gu Xiaobei was acting as bait here.

But something seems wrong. Why does it feel like Master Xiaobei was burned to black charcoal? Herbal medicine was applied to all important parts of his body, and he lay motionless in Miss Qiqi's arms.

Is he...still alive?

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