Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2246 I love you as a person

Gu Qiqi suddenly remembered another crucial plot - when she sneaked into Xiahou Mansion to kill Xiahou Susu, she bumped into the man with gray leather shoes in Xiahou Mansion and fought with him!

The man in the gray leather shoes has such a powerful force, he must be a person of extraordinary status. How could he appear in Xiahou Mansion if he didn't have a very close connection?

How could he help Xiahou Susu deal with her?

Unless...the original heart transplant surgery was to help Xiahou Susu's heart!

in mind.

A very clear conclusion emerges.

Today's Xiahou Susu, her body is still Xiahou Susu's, but her heart is white jasmine!

In other words, Xiahou Susu changed Bai Moli's heart and possessed Bai Moli's consciousness!

This guess is quite bold.

After all, in medicine, organ replacement does not also replace a person's thinking. Otherwise, who would dare to perform organ replacement surgery?

However, Bai Jasmine and Xiahou Susu are different.

Xiahou Susu is too gentle, and her will to survive has become very weak after being sick all year round.

Bai Moli is very strong, and she will not rest in peace. Her mental power will not freeze, and it is entirely possible for her to invade Xiahou Susu's consciousness!

Gu Qiqi gasped.

No wonder, over the past three years I have always felt that something was wrong.

Gong Jue was framed time and time again, black materials were exposed one after another, and secrets that should not be known to outsiders were revealed to the world one after another.

If it was Bai Jasmine who did it, then everything would be reasonably explained.

As Gong Jue's former right-hand man, a former senior military doctor in the Imperial Army, and an associate professor at the Imperial Medical University Research Institute, the secrets and resources Bai Moli holds in her hands are indeed unparalleled by ordinary people.

The most terrible thing is that no one will doubt a dead person!

"Lisa, thank you for trusting me, thank you for telling me all this, this is very important to me! I already know who the person who invaded your sister's body and mind is, and I will definitely find her out and give you one back." A real sister!" Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes and looked coldly in the direction where Bai Moli disappeared.

Since she could change Bai Moli's heart in the first place, she has the ability to dig out Bai Moli's heart!

"But... Mr. Ye, we are a step too late. I am afraid she will not return to Xiahou's house after she escaped this time. After all, I recognized her. It's all my fault. I was so out of control. I shouldn't have raised my suspicions just now." Tell her everything, and it will scare the snake... She still has so many human skin masks in her hand, and she doesn't know who she will disguise herself as in the future..." Xiahou Shasha regretted it to death.

She really has no experience in fighting wits and courage with others.

When she first suspected that Bai Yun was a bad person, she showed it on her face and never tried to hide it.

While she was blaming herself endlessly, a strong arm gently held her and wiped away the tears on her cheeks: "Little fool, isn't it that I'm still here? She wants to escape? It's not that easy! Now that I've Now that I know that her soul is Bai Moli, I will naturally have a way to deal with her. Let's use our tricks to catch the turtle in an urn!"

Xiahou Shasha was confused after hearing this.

Who is the urn?

Who is the turtle?

Although she didn't understand it, she deeply felt Mr. Ye's care and compassion.

Her face turned red!

Although she had long known in her heart that Mr. Ye was Miss Qiqi, she still couldn't help but feel a little moved.

She had said before that those superficial women all loved Mr. Ye's handsome appearance, but what she liked was Mr. Ye. Even if Mr. Ye was a woman, she still liked him the same.

She, Xiahou Shasha, always looks at people with their hearts! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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