Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2265 The girl locked in the pig pen

Xiao Ning thought sadly, wasn't she also being controlled by Bai Yeyuan?

Every night, according to his hobbies and aesthetics, he puts on the pose he likes, and does whatever he wants.

Everything exists for his satisfaction...

If one day in the future, Bai Yeyuan abandons her and abandons her like a pair of worn-out shoes, will she be like these dogs, with dull eyes, skinny bones, disheveled fur, and loss of the ability to love...

There was a sourness in her throat, and she didn't dare to think about the future.

It was already dark when we returned to the imperial capital.

After finishing taking notes at the police station, Xiao Ning and Niu Bin returned to Universe Law Firm.

An Wanruye came back from court and listened to Xiao Ning's report in the office for a full hour. He nodded approvingly: "You handled this matter well. In fact, there is no other secret to being a lawyer. It is to dare to do it and think of ways. Do whatever it takes to complete the case. This is somewhat similar to reporters chasing the truth of big news, and prosecutors chasing dirt on criminal suspects. It is impossible to become a good lawyer if you just study the legal provisions in the room. . You can come up with such flexible methods to collect evidence. It shows that you have talent. Do a good job, I will like you."

Xiao Ning's heart was filled with excitement.

Who is An Wanru?

This is a famous devil in the legal world.

I heard that like her big devil, he is a ruthless and unsmiling person in the shopping mall.

Qiu Xinxin said that An Wanru had never seen her smile or look pleasant to anyone in all her years in the law firm.

But An Wanru smiled at her twice tonight!

A full two times!

Xiao Ning felt so excited and satisfied.

It turns out that the sense of accomplishment at work is really irreplaceable by anything, and she finally tasted it.

No wonder Qiqi has founded so many companies. Even if her family is already a powerful figure, Qiqi will still work hard to create a world of her own.

Because your own career cannot be replaced by men.

"However, if you do similar things in the future, you must pay attention to safety." An Wanru reminded.

Xiao Ning nodded gratefully: "I know Lawyer An. By the way, Lawyer An, I found a small clue at the dog farm today..."

An Wanru: "What clue?"

Xiao Ning: "Didn't I have a meal with Niu Bin at the dog farm? When I went back to return the rice bowl to the fellow villager, I found a little girl squatting in the pig pen in his yard..."

To be precise, it is "locking" a little girl.

At first, Xiao Ning thought it was a child from her hometown who was playful and ran into the pig pen.

She kindly stepped forward and reminded: "This place is very dirty and prone to infectious diseases. Don't play here, kids..."

However, when she got closer, she froze.

That was a little girl of eleven or twelve years old.

At this age, in the Imperial City, he should be in the sixth grade or the first year of junior high school.

However, this little girl looked stupid, her eyes were a little dull, squatting in a pile of pig manure, unable to move.

His small face was covered with dirt, his eyes were swollen and bloodshot, and his arms also had bruises and bruises of suspicious origin.

What made Xiao Ning even more frightened was that the girl's feet were locked with a rusty iron chain, tying her directly to the iron stakes of the pig pen like a pig or dog!

"You... what mistake did you make that your parents want to tie you to a pig pen?" Xiao Ning couldn't believe it.

So dirty.

The sanitary conditions are so poor.

Even parents in rural areas wouldn't have the heart to treat their children like this, right?

At the age of eleven or twelve, he is already sensible and can be reasonable when he makes mistakes. Why do you abuse and humiliate your children like this? ? ? Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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