Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2273: Smelly man, trash!

Chapter 2275 Smelly man, trash!

Xiao Ning was delighted!

Twist on the left, twist on the right.

Huh? its not right!

"Why doesn't this cold water valve work?"

She complained unhappily.

Isn't the bathroom decoration of this poor emperor too bad? You want to get some cold water to wake up, but you can't do it?

Who would have known that as soon as the words came out, a man's voice full of resentment and gasping could be heard vaguely above his head.

What the hell?

Xiao Ning was in a daze, her eyes were completely blurred and she couldn't see anything clearly.

I had no choice but to concentrate on studying the faulty stainless steel cold water valve: "Well, this is about the same... Huh? No, it still doesn't work, why is there no water! I want to drink cold water! Lots and lots of cold water!"

Xiao Ning has a bad temper. She couldn't drink water after struggling for a long time. She was anxious and angry. She reached out angrily and slapped the disobedient cold water valve: "Why are you so useless? When you use it, you It’s broken, it’s really a waste!”

Above the head, there was a faint breath of coldness!

Xiao Ning was irritated, and her teeth were itching with hatred: "If you don't obey me, I'll break you!".


Never imagined!

The cold water valve suddenly and automatically separated from her, as if it was frightened!

Immediately, a strong force directly lifted her out of the bathroom!

"Hey, hey, who are you! I don't want to leave, I want to take a shower in the bathroom, and no one can stop me from taking a shower..." Xiao Ning protested.

However, the body anesthetized by drugs does not obey orders at all.

There is no longer the domineering aura he had when he dealt with Zhu Qianqian just now.

She was limply carried on the man's shoulders and left the bathroom step by step.

A cold and pleasant bass next to my ear,

There was a slow blast: "That's the men's room. You're a girl, are you sure you want to take a shower in the men's room?"

Xiao Ning was startled: "'s room? But I didn't see any men in there just now. You lied to me..."

The man was wearing a dark suit, with a well-proportioned and powerful figure, and an indescribable precision and dignity in the lines of his face. He was as convincing as a court's verdict: "I, Fu Qingyun, stick to my word and never lie."

Xiao Ning was speechless.

After a long while, he said honestly: "I don't care, what's the blue clouds, white clouds, red clouds... I want to go back to the bathroom, I want my cold water, you give it back to me... Even if it's a broken cold water valve that doesn't work, I still want it." After repairing it, I can't believe that there will be no water in the water pipes in such a big club bathroom...! Let me go, I won't follow you, stinky man, I want my water pipes, where did you hide my water pipes? ...!"

"..." The look on the man's face was unpredictable and wonderful.

The assistant who was following him was trying his best to hold back his laughter, which caused internal injuries. He hurriedly ran to the street to pick up the car and opened the door: "Mr. Fu, do you want to take this girl home?"

Fu Qingyun stopped.

He frowned and glanced at the little girl in his arms with disgust, but the softness in his pupils showed his concession: "She must have been fed unclean medicine. Send people to search Di Ge, how dare you do it in my Fu Qingyun is getting this kind of medicine right under his nose, so ask their boss if he still wants to open the business!"

Assistant: "Yes!"

But sir, you haven't answered me yet. Do you plan to take this girl home?

If you bring back a live big girl, the master and wife will probably explode. Yesterday you swore to them that you would not marry a wife in ten years, unless the rule of law in the empire has become clearer under your governance, and the empire has not Only when there are no unjust cases, no murder cases, and no oppressed people will you consider marrying a wife and having children.

Last night you made the master and his wife faint with anger, and tore up the blind date album they gave you, completely fulfilling their wish to have a grandchild.

It has only been less than 24 hours since I took the girl back. Are you... are you mentally prepared to explain it to them?

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