Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2277 The man in gray leather shoes is back [Return to the main plot]

Chapter 227 is coming [Return to the main plot]

The girl in the pigsty looks like this, it is obvious that she has been artificially disabled!

Xiao Ning finally bumped into the pigsty girl she had been looking for for a long time on the street. At the same time, a big shot who had been absent for a long time finally returned to the Imperial City.

Xiahou Mansion.

The servant who was kneeling on the floor!

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace was dressed in a gray-black robe, sitting indifferently on the head of the family, with a servant under his feet, and holding a servant's throat in his hand: "Tell me, where is Xiahou Susu?!"

"I don't know, we really don't know..." The servants trembled.

"The eldest lady has been missing for several days. We really know nothing about her. Please let her go." The old housekeeper kowtowed tremblingly.

"Don't tell me? If you don't tell me, I will let you all be buried with me!" The Palace Master of Yao Palace was furious. He exerted force on his hand, and the servant's neck bones immediately made a clicking sound.

He was about to crush it!

This man is truly ruthless and cruel.

Everyone has realized this.

Most people are silent.

Suddenly, a maid's legs went weak and she screamed: "I...I know!"

The old housekeeper's eyes trembled, he looked over with worry, and said in a heavy tone: "Xiaowen, don't talk nonsense!"

"Shut up." The Palace Master of Medicine Palace glared at the old housekeeper and ordered the maid named Xiaowen, "Keep talking!"

Xiaowen: "Let me tell you, sir, on the day my eldest lady disappeared, I went to deliver supper, and found that the second lady led an outsider to the eldest lady's room, and there were terrible screams in the room... Wow, since that day my eldest daughter has The young lady disappeared! Afterwards, the second young lady refused to let us talk and asked all of us to forget about it. It was said to the outside world that the eldest young lady was recuperating from illness. Please, please let us go. This was all done by the second young lady. , she must have teamed up with outsiders to kill the eldest lady!"

After Xiaowen finished speaking, the other servants looked at her with complicated expressions.

The old housekeeper lamented his misfortune and was furious: "Xiaowen, you are such a bastard! You have betrayed your trust! How could you slander the second lady!"

After the eldest lady recovered from her illness,

He has been behaving strangely, doing a lot of immoral things to others without saying anything about them, and often beating and scolding them internally.

There were only a few old servants who died at the hands of the eldest lady, not to mention those who were injured and disabled. They were too numerous to count.

His old bones almost couldn't bear it anymore.

This time, the second young lady finally stepped forward, reorganized the house, and invited the eldest lady out of the house. The Xiahou family has never had such an orderly day in the past three years.

Finally, I no longer have to live in fear!

However, when this mysterious master came today, some servants couldn't help but threaten him and wanted to betray the second young lady. This really made him feel sad!

After betraying the second young lady, do you want this mysterious man to invite the eldest lady back to bring harm to everyone?

He looked at the maid who had told the story sadly, sighing in his heart that this girl was really short-sighted and could not hold her breath.

"Everything I said is true, true!" Xiaowen was still claiming credit hoarsely, "Let me go, I'm the only one who told you the truth."

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace had an expressionless face: "Second Miss? Lisa Xiahou? Who is the helper she invited?"

Xiaowen: "It's Young Master Ye! It's the famous pharmacist Ye Young Master! I'm telling the truth... um... cough cough cough... uh... why do you want to kill me..."

She watched in horror as the other person grabbed her throat and with one strong force, she died within a few seconds.

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace said coldly: "Because you are useless. A person who betrays his master does not deserve to live."

After that, he stood up and strode away!

Mr. Ye? Gu Qiqi? !

If you dare to touch my woman, how do you write the word "are you ready to die"? !

[Master Yun: 8 updates. After changing the cover to "Crotch-gazing Cat", the little fairy can't find the book. The trick is... try to pin the book to the top. If not, remember the new title "Dear Chief Sir"! 】

[Important reminder: The chapters are messed up, so there is no extra charge. Fairies, please go back and read Chapter 2275 for free, stinky man, get out! 】

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