Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2284 Bai Moli suffered a devastating blow!

The 228th destruction blow!

five minutes later.

Lisa helped the two little ones put on antibacterial clothing and brought two high chairs for them to sit in front of the operating table.

Faced with a lot of surgical instruments, Xiao Naibao was not afraid at all. Instead, he took out a packet of baby food from his pocket with a smile, and obediently stuffed a milky-white bean of some unknown kind into Gu Qiqi's mouth. .

Turning around again, she sweetly said to Xiahou Shasha: "Aunt Lisa, would you like to try my brand of 'yoghurt dissolved beans'? It's super delicious! It's guaranteed to kill all snacks in an instant, and it can make people concentrate and stabilize themselves." I’m in a good mood! By the way, it’s vacuum packed and sterile, don’t worry!”

Xiahou Shasha took it and took a bite. The wonderful taste that she would never forget made her purse her lips and become speechless: Hey, hey, I lost to you. My aunt has completely lost to you. Wuwuwu...

Gong Ting was focused on playing with the mechanical heart.

He didn't bring any tools, and the tools for dismantling the robot were not convenient to use on the operating table.

Therefore, he used the operating table as a workbench, the scalpel and surgical scissors as tools for disassembly and repair, and began to study the cause of the failure of this artificial mechanical heart in a meticulous manner.

On the operating table, because her heart was cut off from most of its connections with the body, Bai Moli's thinking was a little slow.

But she still has her own mind, she is still alive!

When she heard Gu Qiqi say that there was something wrong with the mechanical heart, she was so happy!

God will not kill me!

I, Bai Jasmine, am still the chosen daughter after all, hahahaha!

When she saw the two little brats running to the operating table to help, she sneered even more:

Haha, Gu Qiqi, are you out of your depth?

You actually asked a little kid to help with repairs?

You are stupid!

Bai Moli was speechless, but she felt very proud.

Even several indexes on the heart pulse monitoring instrument were rising slowly, almost to the point of bursting!

Gu Qiqi glanced at the red numbers on the monitor.

His thin lips were slightly hooked, but he did not speak, but withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at Gong Ting's movements.

Her dumpling baby, she has confidence!


Time passes minute by minute.

Xiahou Shasha's forehead was already dripping with nervous sweat!


Gong Ting stopped, held up the mechanical heart, and said confidently: "OK!"

Xiahou Shasha kept asking excitedly: "Are you sure? Are you sure about Tuanzi?"

Gong Ting said calmly: "The fault lies in the configuration of the parts. The engineer was too careless. He connected two wrong wires, screwed two micro screws wrongly, and one nut fell off. I just readjusted it. One of the unscientific circuits was changed so that when her heart beats too fast in the future, she won't feel as uncomfortable as drowning and suffocation. Although I don't know much about medicine, I do understand the principles of making a robot heart. . I can guarantee that this adjustment of mine will allow this heart to beat for more than 100 years without breaking down."

Xiahou Shasha almost burst into tears: "Yeah, okay, okay!"

a hundred years!

That’s enough! Woohoo!

Sister, you are saved!

Gu Qiqi smiled slightly: "Then I will use the one-hundred-year warranty promise provided by you, dear, and start work."

With that said, he gestured quickly and neatly, and resumed the heart transplant surgery!

At this moment, everyone in the operating room was filled with joy and joy.

Only Bai Moli, who was lying on the operating table, suffered a devastating blow! ! !

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