Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2290: Chained by thick iron chains

Chain 22 is locked

The young assistant Xiao Huang felt that his brain cells were not enough and he could not figure out the commander's intention.

Taking a peek, the officer had a serious and ascetic look on his face, as if there were four big words written on his face: No refutation will be accepted!

Okay, then... let’s check the positioning system!

Xiao Huang carefully took out the positioning controller, fiddled with it, and came to the conclusion: "Sir, Miss Ningning is not at home. Hmm... The history record of the positioning system shows that after she came out of the hotel, she drove at a slow speed... Moving to the suburbs. Then...just...still moving now..."

Fu Qingyun frowned.


Is this girl so playful?

Wasn’t the lesson you learned last night in the hotel enough?

They were given that kind of medicine and almost lost their virginity. When they woke up this morning without any reflection, they actually ran out again?

He is really... meddling in other people's business and saving such a playful girl, which is of no value at all!

"No need to report." Fu Qingyun interrupted Assistant Huang.

Xiao Huang suddenly said "Hey": "Sir, Miss Ning Ning sent me a text message! Yeah, she sent me a location. What does this mean? Invite me over? Sir... Sir, Do you think she might be interested in me...?"

Xiao Huang is really a little tangled!


Fu Qingyun's face suddenly turned cold: "You are not allowed to read private messages during working hours! Work!"

Xiao Huang looked confused: "..."

Sir, didn't you just tell me to check on Miss Ning Ning?

Alas, our sir has always been a man, but today he is as fickle as a woman.

Xiao Huang pursed his lips in frustration and put down his phone helplessly.


In total darkness.

Xiao Ning had a splitting headache.

She tried her best to open her eyes from the chaos, and instead of seeing something at first glance, she smelled a sour and sour smell.

Chicken pen.

That's right!

There were scattered sounds around me, the low "clucking" sounds of hens huddled together and taking a nap.

The smell of chicken feathers and chicken manure hit me.

Xiao Ning held her breath hard, squinted her eyes, and finally used the dim light outside the window to see clearly what was going on in the chicken pen.

In a chicken coop of more than ten square meters, there were several little girls and boys lying in the corner. The oldest was only eleven or twelve years old, and the youngest was less than three years old.

Each child was chained with thick iron chains.

Some of the mouths were even wrapped with tape several times and tightly taped. They were probably too capable of shouting and were afraid that the sound would spread out.

Xiao Ning's heart felt cold as she watched this shocking scene.

She has always lived in the city, which used to be Qingcheng and is now the imperial capital. Although Bai Yeyuan has always bullied her, at least he has not left her without food, clothing or shelter. She has always enjoyed an upper-middle-class family in the city, and even It is the treatment of a noble family.

What happened to these children was beyond her imagination.

It’s so shocking! ! !

"It's no use holding your breath. You can't stop breathing..." A voice sighed.

Immediately, the door of the chicken coop opened with a creak.

The little girl with disabled hands and feet limped, supported the wooden cart, slid in, and held a bowl of clear soup noodles: "Eat. Thank you for sending me back..."

In the darkness, Xiao Ning's pupils shrank, and then a sharp light burst out!

It's the pigsty girl begging on the overpass!

It was she who brought herself to this place, and then she was knocked unconscious.

Xiao Ning said angrily:

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