Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2294 You say women are trash? ?

Object 22? ?

Xiao Ning stared blankly at Dahua's uncharacteristic behavior, watching her yell at the three men at the top of her lungs: "You, you still want to gouge out your eyes and cut off your ears? Why are you so perverted! Even if you remove my hands and feet, you still want to do this How you treat my are going too far!"

Dahua hit the old farmer's head with a porcelain bowl. After breaking it, she still held a sharp piece of porcelain tightly and used all her strength to plunge it into the old farmer's head!

"You are the ones who should poke your eyes out! Poke your ears out! You devils! Disgusting men!"

Dahua's sudden and crazy attack made the three men stupid.

But soon, the severe pain in the old farmer's head made him scream: "Boss, brother, what are you two idiots doing standing around, why don't you beat me to death! What's wrong with this stinky thing that eats the inside out? Wrong, who is her benefactor! Beat her! Beat her to death! Humph, we lack everything here, except a woman with two legs! Beat her to death!"

The two young men next to him finally reacted after hearing this and immediately grabbed Dahua:

"You bitch, you dare to hit my father? I've turned against you!"

"What kind of bullshit benefactor? She is still our toy and toy with!"

"See if I don't tear your face apart!"

"Throw your sister into a low-grade brothel!"

The two young villagers kicked and punched Dahua, and even grabbed Dahua's hair and pulled her hard, tearing off a large piece of her scalp with blood and hair.

However, Dahua didn't care about his life and didn't stop moving at all.

Finally, the old farmer was stabbed in the throat by the broken porcelain piece in Dahua's hand. He was speechless and fell to the ground.



The two young villagers rushed over in shock and found that the old farmer was almost dead.


This woman is so cruel.

The eyes of the two men burst out with hatred, and they beat Dahua more ferociously.



The big flower is like a deflated rubber ball,

He was kicked against the wall by the men and fell down again.

Several of her teeth were kicked out, her eye sockets were swollen and bleeding, and her vision was blurred.

My mouth is completely speechless...

"Kick her into that septic tank and drown her in shit, you useless woman!" one man suggested, and another agreed.

Just when the two of them raised their feet in tacit understanding, preparing for the final blow.


A cold wind blew behind me!

"You say women are trash? Haha, then you are worse than trash!"

A scoff.

The two men's feet stopped in mid-air.

Dahua was half-kneeling on the ground, covered in blood. She opened her blood-stained eyes and was shocked to find that the two men who wanted to kill her actually fell straight up!

One second later.

The men's necks began to ooze blood.

Xiao Ning stood behind the man. The chains on her hands and feet had long since disappeared, replaced by a thin, glowing surgical blade!

She used the graduation gift given to her by Gu Qiqi to cut the throats of the two farmers with her own hands!

Dahua sniffed, her arms trembling with nervousness and anger. It wasn't until she saw clearly that Xiao Ning had dealt with the remaining two men that she finally fell down, tears welling up in her eyes: "I'm sorry, my benefactor... I'm sorry……"

Xiao Ning glanced at her and ignored her.

Although Dahua uncharacteristically attacked those men.

And she also helped Dahua kill two of the men.

But she couldn't ignore the fact that Dahua deceived her on the overpass and tricked her into coming here!

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