Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2296 The terrible truth

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Xiao Ning listened blankly to the cruel truth and even stopped holding the wire broom in her hand.

Those perverted villagers actually asked an old Chinese doctor to use bone-breaking therapy to destroy the girl's limbs...!

Doctors are supposed to treat illnesses and save lives.

But used for such a despicable and disgusting act!

What kind of bullshit old Chinese doctor is that!

The extent of the evil done by these men has far exceeded her imagination!

With her throat slightly hoarse from sadness and anger, Xiao Ning said, "How old were you then?"

Dahua said with a cry: "We are only seven years old. Those men also said that this age is just right. If we were older and the bones became hard, we could only break them but not deform them. It would be tasteless..."

Seven years old! ! !

So small! ! !

Xiao Ning's voice trembled: "How did you fall into the hands of these people?"

When Dahua heard this, she cried even harder: "My sister and I grew up in a small southern town. When we were seven years old, we were supposed to be in the first grade, and my mother took us to the mall to buy schoolbags. We chose I wanted to go to the bathroom, but my mother happened to be trying on clothes in the shop next to the bathroom, so she asked us to go and get back quickly. Then..."

Then there is no more.

The two sisters entered the women's bathroom hand in hand.

The villains pretending to be cleaners knocked them unconscious and threw them into a garbage truck as tall as one person. They were smuggled out of the shopping mall in a garbage truck and transported all the way to the countryside on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

The distance of tens of millions of miles makes the sky and the earth unable to cope with each other.

The sisters were deprived of the opportunity to reunite with their relatives!

The last thing they left for their mother were those two brand-new schoolbags!

And the villain who kidnapped them was the old man of this farmer who worked in the south.

"Have you ever tried to escape?" Xiao Ning asked.

"I tried it, and was beaten half to death. Later they stole more children. As long as one of them tried to escape, everyone would be beaten together, and then starved for three days and three nights without being allowed to use the toilet. They said this It was called "Lian, Zuo, Zhi, Du", saying that this was what ancient emperors did, and that the three of them were the local emperors here, and no one could control them, so in the end... we were beaten so that no one dared to escape. "

"Then other people in this village won't help you? Have you ever tried to go out and find a passing postman to deliver letters to you or call the police? Or the people who open shops, teach, and have knowledge in the village, too? Won't I help you?" Xiao Ning couldn't imagine that there wasn't a single normal person in this sinful village.

However, the reality is always 10,000 times crueler than imagined: "My benefactor, I naively asked others for help at first, because my mother told me when I was a child that if I get lost, I can go to the police uncle, salesperson aunt, doorman uncle, school uncle, etc. Teacher... One time I took the opportunity to go out to beg for money. They were counting the money and didn't pay attention to me. So I found an uncle who taught in the town in the village I was passing by, and asked him to help find the police uncle to rescue me. result……"

"What's the result?"

"In the end, he directly told the father and son that I was going to escape, in exchange for their reward! And the reward was... giving me and my sister to him to play with for a month!"

Xiao Ning glared angrily: "Scum!"

Dahua bit her lip: "There are many more such things... So later on, we no longer dared to ask for help from outsiders easily. But when the father and son saw business in us, they regarded us as a cash cow and sold us at every turn. Give it to Zhang San for a few nights, sell it to Li Si for a few nights..."

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