Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2299 The most precious innocence in the world

Chapter 2301 The most precious innocence in the world

Three scumbags, they never imagined that their lives would end like this——

Watching helplessly, these little brats who had been played by them and raised like poultry rushed toward them with their vengeful blades raised one by one.

The tearing pain and torture in his body seemed to be endless.

God, it turns out that it hurts so much to have your hands and feet removed!

It turns out that being a disabled person is so humiliating!

It turns out...ahhhh!

The three people were in so much pain that they were about to lose consciousness.

Time is like Ling and Chi, passing too slowly.

I don’t know how long it took.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally felt the wire broom sweeping towards them again.

Never in their lives had they looked forward to having a wire broom whip down their bodies.

There has never been a moment like this when I look forward to the septic tank ahead!

Jump in!

Once and for all!

Even if he was drowned in feces, it would be better than the torture he just suffered.

However, Xiao Ning seemed to be deliberately torturing them. He scanned for a while, stopped for a while, and then turned around and asked the children: "Are you relieved? Come on, raise your little hands for sister. Who else wants to stab them twice?"

If anyone raises their hand at this time.

Then they will go through the torture again in despair!


What retribution!





Xiao Ning had enough trouble with the children and stopped.

And the men, taking their sins with them, fell into the septic tank.

A few bubbles popped up, then disappeared completely.

They were domineering and blessed in life, but their death was miserable. After death, they were just companions of feces.

"Let's go, I'll take you away. Take whatever important things you have with us." Xiao Ning greeted everyone, seeing that it was getting late.

Dahua supported the flatbed truck and first went to the man's bedroom for Xiao Ning to dig out Xiao Ning's mobile phone. Then he rummaged through the cabinets and found the clothes she and her sister were wearing when they disappeared. Other children also brought things that they could not bear to part with. Some were a cute little chicken, and some were just a flower on the edge of the field.

No one touched those stinky men's bankbooks, cash, or valuables at home.

The innocence of the children made Xiao Ning feel sad.

She had been holding back crying all night, and now she finally couldn't hold back her tears.

They were tortured, beaten, and imprisoned... However, the pure land in the hearts of these children has not been completely destroyed.

They don’t take what doesn’t belong to them.

Xiao Ning took a deep breath and brought the men's bankbooks and cash for the children: "Although I, Xiao Ning, despise this little money, this money is your hard-earned money, not earned by those scum. . You should take these rewards with you. I will find the best lawyer for you, help you bring all the bastards in this village to justice, and then... help you find your mother, okay?"

The children's eyes lit up.

Not because of money, but because Xiao Ning said she would help them find their mother!

Just when Xiao Ning took the children and walked out of the village in the dark along the path overnight.


A long string of torches lit up the narrow path ahead!

The noisy voices suddenly turned across the valley and suddenly appeared in front of them.

Dahua supported the wooden cart with a worried look on his face: "Oh no, the villagers who went to offer sacrifices came back early!"

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