Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2313 Kiss away the tears!

Chapter 2315 Kiss away the tears!

As a man, it is a great shame to have to rely on the blood of his own woman to maintain his life, and it is even more painful!

If he still drinks Qiqi's blood, he is not a man!

"You don't need to tell me, I know what to do. You can go." Gong Jue said in a deep tone.

Xiahou Shasha didn't know Gong Jue very well and didn't know what he meant by saying this. She tried to continue to persuade him: "Sir, if you love someone, you definitely want to grow old together, right? But if she is too weak to be with you..."

"Let's go!" Gong Jue interrupted her and said angrily.

Xiahou Shasha shuddered and had to walk out.

Before leaving, he reluctantly glanced at the unconscious Gu Qiqi.

Mr. Ye, I don’t know if it’s right to do what I did today, but I really hope that Sir Alex will know the truth, although I don’t know what he will do after knowing the truth.

However, I swear, if the lord continues to drink your blood, then no matter how weak I, Xiahou Shasha, am, I will fight him desperately...

Xiahou Shasha's footsteps had just stepped onto the threshold.

From behind, a man's deep voice came faintly: "Thank you."

No more words.

The word "thank you" made Xiahou Shasha's nose sore, knowing that Gong Jue had listened to her words.

She decided to trust Gong Jue once.

Believe him, he will not let Mr. Ye down!

As soon as Xiahou Shasha left.

Gong Jue couldn't hold it in any longer, and his tears burst down the bank, spilling onto Gu Qiqi's slender arms full of pinholes.

He shed tears silently, his handsome face trembling slightly with forbearance.

Seeing the tears wet Qiqi's arms, he nervously put the woman's arms to his lips, and gently kissed away the teardrops as if they were treasures.



"Damn it..."

if it is possible,

If it was useful, he really wanted to bite his arm open and bring all his blood to Qiqi's mouth to drink.

He stared at Gu Qiqi deeply and made a decision silently in his heart.

It took a while.

I wonder if it was his kiss that Gu Qiqi felt in her sleep.

With a squeak, Gu Qiqi's eyelashes trembled slightly and she woke up.

His voice was a little rusty: "Hmm...jue...what time is it? Why is it so are your eyes red?"

Gong Jue looked around and asked, "What kind of midnight snack do you want? I'll cook it for you?"

At this moment, he felt that the excuses written in those books such as "I have sand in my eyes" were all nonsense.

Damn it, where did the sand come from in such a beautiful room? This is such a stupid excuse.

However, he can be flexible.

When Gu Qiqi asked again: "Gong Jue, are you crying? Oh my god..."

Gong Jue said with a straight face: "The ceiling is dusty! This shabby decoration! I'm going to tear it down and rebuild it again! When I hold your wedding, we will live in a new villa instead of this shabby house!"

Gu Qiqi smiled: "I quite like Mo Garden. We have our memories here."

Gong Jue: "..."

If I keep living in this house, I will go crazy!

When I think about drinking so much of your blood here, I feel like I won't be able to live well for the rest of my life.

Gong Jue changed the topic and went to the kitchen to make her a midnight snack.

Gu Qiqi was still a little weak and went to bed early.

After sleeping for several days, Gu Qiqi thought that the medicine in the refrigerator was almost gone, and she had to find time to get blood for Gong Jue.

But in the past few days, Gong Jue was with her like a conjoined twin, and she couldn't find a chance at all.

Finally, I finally grabbed an opportunity this morning...

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! I heard that tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, so I have to finish writing the plot that made me cry tonight, and I will give out sweets tomorrow! There were so many loving words in the comment area. I blushed all night after seeing them. Oh, the night is long. As a single dog, what can I do...? 】

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