Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2319: You can’t afford to offend a sinister man!

Chapter 2321 You can’t afford to offend a sinister man!

Because Wu Er said that her blood may be the only thing that can restrain wolfsbane.

Since Gong Jue stopped taking medicine, she had no better way to trick him into drinking her blood.

What if his condition becomes serious and symptoms worse than turning into a wolf appear?

How will the Imperial people view him then, and what kind of dead end will they force him into?

He was an upright man, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces who should be galloping on the battlefield. He was so dazzling and was born to be worshiped by the world, and she could never bear to see him retire in his best years, hiding everything in a low-key manner. …

He has been hiding for three years.

She really couldn't bear to let him live in hiding like that anymore!

Gu Qiqi took a deep breath: "Because...because I will improve the prescription and make it less bitter, okay?"

I tried every possible means to coax him to take medicine.

The glimmer in Gong Jue's eyes fluctuated.

Qiqi was more stubborn and persistent than he thought.

The stupid woman really spent all her efforts on his illness!

Be careful!

Use blood!

Gong Jue decided not to beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "Qiqi, no matter how sweet it is, I can't survive by drinking your blood. Do you understand?"

Gu Qiqi's mind exploded with a "buzzing sound".

Oh my God, I've been discovered.

How did Gong Jue find out?

Where did she fail to be strict enough and was discovered by him?

"What blood...I don't know what you are talking about..." she stammered, trying to cover it up.

Gong Jue grabbed her hands, pressed his lips down, and captured her lips.

He kissed her teasingly like a dragonfly: "Little fool... Is it so easy to trick me in your eyes? If I don't find out this time,

Do you want to drain all your blood and give it to me? "

Gu Qiqi's heart beat rapidly: "..."

It’s over, I really can’t hide it anymore, the secret has been discovered!

It seems that we will have to use a more covert method in the future. The concoction route will not work anymore...

Just thinking about it.

Gong Jue bit her ear coldly: "Don't think of new tricks... If you do this kind of thing again, I will drain all the blood from my body, eh? You know I will do what I say."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Wow, that's too bad, this threat is too effective.

Seeing that she was silent, Gong Jue sighed and held her in his arms tightly: "I'm sorry, Qiqi, it's my incompetence that makes you use your life to cure my Wolfsbane..."

Gu Qiqi shook her head violently: "No, that's not the case. I don't allow you to talk about yourself like that!"

This is a difficult and complicated disease that even great pharmacists cannot solve.

How can you blame Gong Jue himself?

Gong Jue said seriously: "Although I am incompetent, I know one thing - I have to protect my own woman. Qiqi, no matter what happens in the future, I will not allow you to use your own life to save me - you must Promise!"

Gu Qiqi looked at him with a complicated expression.

This is simply forcing her.

"I don't agree..." She squeezed out a few words, "I..."

Gong Jue: "You must agree!"

"Why?" Seeing how confident he was, Gu Qiqi couldn't help but ask angrily.

Gong Jue narrowed his eyes: "Because when you took over the billions of wealth in this room just now, you said you agreed to one of my requests. Well, do you want me to play back the recording for you? Stupid woman, you have to be trustworthy. ah……"

Gu Qiqi's eyes widened and she glared at Gong Jue in disbelief: "..."

Damn it, it turns out that the stupid man found his mother's relics, and in addition to making her happy, he also has this trick waiting here.

Come on, her! when! Got it!

You really can't afford to mess with such a sinister man.

What should I do? She really wants to be a dishonest person now.

Because she really couldn't think of any way other than her blood to allow Gong Jue to live upright in the world without suffering the strange looks from everyone like looking at monsters...

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, are the beautiful fairies receiving many gifts? Spilled a lot of dog food on others? This single dog is left to come up with the next plot. Who among the goblins can provide Qiqi with a solution? Waiting online, don’t rush...]

Report of the battle: There are currently only two days left for the Sir Alex Ferguson 1 audition. The fairies must remember to show their concern and try their best to send the couple up. Thank you!

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