Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2335 The big devil discovered her secret!

Chapter 2337 The big devil discovered her secret!

"Um...I'm sorry, Inspector Fu. I want to express my gratitude to you! You have shown me the hope of the country. If every ordinary civil servant in the empire could be like you, he would not care about being a good prosecutor and dare to If you uphold justice, our empire will definitely become stronger and stronger! I support you, civil servants, come on!"

Xiao Ning smiled, waved his fist, and made gestures on his cheek.

After that, she stuck out her tongue and ran away quickly.

Oops, it seems like this is the first time that I have been so childish, chasing after this man and expressing my admiration for him.

No, Fu Qingyun's legal literacy really impressed her.

She also wants to become such a strong and powerful person!

Not with force, but with law and brains to intimidate the enemy - of course, when it's time to beat him up, he will never be lenient, hehe.

Xiao Ning left happily.

Little did he know, there were eyes all over the place behind him.

Assistant Huang, Fu Qingyun's driver, subordinate Zhang and others were all so shocked that Xiao Ning almost fell down.


The dignified Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor's Office, the highest official in the Empire's prosecutorial system, was actually called a "civil servant" by this girl? ? ?

Where is the majesty of Sir Darao!

Although the bunch of compliments at the beginning of Yatou's movie sound quite heartwarming and tender, they are not worth the last sentence of "civil servant".

Several people looked at Fu Qingyun quietly.

I thought that Fu Qingyun's face would be as black as the bottom of a pot, and he would be furious.

Unexpectedly, Fu Qingyun seemed not to have heard Xiao Ning's misunderstanding that he was a low-level civil servant.

Instead, her eyes kept following Xiao Ning's brisk pace, gradually going further and further away.

It was as if Xiao Ning's white feet could grow lotuses with each step.

Fu Qingyun looked at that fair complexion,

His eyes were deep and complicated, and he stood there quietly for a long time, a long time...


It was the first time that Xiao Ning said so many compliments to a man.

Until I ran out the door, my face was still red.

As a result, without even seeing the road clearly, he bumped into someone head-on.

"Ah sneeze——!"

The strong smell of perfume on her body made her sneeze heavily.

But the other party scolded her with disgust: "You are so reckless, you really embarrass our law firm!"

Zhu Qianqian? Does she have a case going to trial here today?

Xiao Ning frowned and retorted unceremoniously: "Haha, am I embarrassed, right? What I am embarrassing is my own people, unlike some people who are wicked!"

"What do you mean?!"

"Don't you know what I mean, Zhu Qianqian? I don't know who deliberately put unclean 'drug' in my colleague's wine. I will catch such a person. Please don't encounter ghosts when walking at night in the future!"

Zhu Qianqian's eyes averted with guilt.

Xiao Ning couldn't bear to have to deal with this kind of people anymore, so she puffed out her chest and left with a cold snort.

who knows.

Just when she passed by Zhu Qianqian.

Suddenly, he heard the other party say something strange and sinister: "Xiao Ning, you and I drugged you, but there is no evidence. But I have photos of you hanging out with wild men in hotels. The evidence is conclusive! What do you think of these photos? Send it to someone, what will he do to you?"

Xiao Ning's heart suddenly thought!

Zhu Qianqian has photos of her having a room with a man?

To whom?

Sent to her uncle?

"You...stop!" Xiao Ning reacted and wanted to argue with Zhu Qianqian.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Qianqian had already gotten into the car and left secretly.

Xiao Ning felt uneasy.

what to do?

If her uncle knew the secret of her work.

It was also known that she was fooling around with men.

She's just—dead!

No, she had to find a way to settle things and go to Zhu Qianqian.

When I was feeling flustered, suddenly, my phone rang!

As soon as Xiao Ning looked at the screen, her hands immediately felt as if they had been burned and were shaking non-stop.

A call from Bai Yeyuan!

Now, why don't you be so cruel to her?

Does her uncle know the secret and come to her to accuse her?

[Master Yun: Good night kiss, Wan Geng is dedicated to the fairies who worked hard to vote this week, I love you! 】

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