Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2372: The slap in the face hurts so much

Chapter 2374 The slap in the face hurts so much

As soon as Xiao Ning's name came out of the vice president's mouth, the entire Universe Law Firm was shocked!

Even Mu Tianyu didn't expect such a result at all.

He was stunned, and his first reaction was that the person handling the case had made a mistake.

"Lawyer An, didn't you take this case? Did you and Little Lemon handle it together?" he couldn't help but ask.

An Wan said coolly and meaningfully: "I don't have time for this case. Xiao Ning took care of it from beginning to end by herself! She is the person in charge of the case, she has the strength!"


The lawyers at Universe Law Firm are on fire!

They were so shocked that they ignored Mu Tianyu's affectionate call "little lemon".

Xiao Ning is number one!


This case was really handled by Xiao Ning himself! ! !

Only then did they realize what An Wanru's words at the end of the opening dance meant.

"In this case, of course it depends on strength!"

At that time, everyone thought that An Wanru meant to join everyone in complaining that Xiao Ning had no strength and only had beautiful clothes and shoes, which were nothing more than appearance.

Only then did they truly understand that An Wanru Na was actually saying that Xiao Ning not only has beauty and appearance, but also has strength that can crush you idiots!

My face hurt for a moment.

He beat himself up!

What a slap in the face.

Did they eat shit before? They would follow the gossip so stupidly that Xiao Ning had no strength.

They had no idea what Xiao Ning was doing at the law firm or what cases he had handled. Why did they insist that he had no strength but only appearance?

In the final analysis, I still have poor judgment and follow what others say.

Everyone was upset,

Everyone looked at the instigator - Cai Qiuwen with displeasure.

If Cai Qiuwen hadn't been mocking Xiao Ning openly and secretly and setting the pace, everyone wouldn't have been led astray.

"Qiu Wen, didn't you just say that Ningning doesn't understand the law at all and doesn't engage in business?"

"Qiu Wen, you are from the Human Resources Department. You don't even know what cases Ning Ning is handling. Isn't it outrageous?"

"It doesn't matter that we are not familiar with Ningning, but you clearly remember how many days Ningning took leave, but you didn't know that Ningning handled such an excellent case?"

"Zhu Qianqian, how do your people do things? Is this how the people in the human resources department evaluate employees?"

"Zhu Qianqian, I think your human resources department is serious. If you only do gossip and gossip, then just like the big boss said, just disband!"

Everyone felt unhappy about being fooled around. At this moment, everyone turned their fingers and pointed them at Zhu Qianqian and Cai Qiuwen.

Cai Qiuwen desperately looked at Zhu Qianqian asking for help: Sister Qianqian, save me, you made me diss that bitch Xiao Ning!

However, Zhu Qianqian is also the target of ridicule at the moment, how dare she come out to speak nonsense for Cai Qiuwen.

She could only apologize to Mu Tianyu in a low voice: "Boss, it's because I didn't manage well enough and didn't strictly restrain my subordinates..."

Mu Tianyu said with a cold face: "Since the long-tongued woman likes gossip so much, then go to the tea room and be responsible for serving tea and water so that she can chat as much as she can!"

Cai Qiuwen's heart felt cold, her body softened, and she slumped down in her seat: It's over, her face is all over, she was demoted by the big boss himself, from an old employee and old assistant, to the little girl in the tea room...

When she met Xiao Ning in the future, she was always inferior to him!

However, Zhu Qianqian still smiled sweetly at Mu Tianyu gratefully: "The boss is really kind-hearted. He didn't fire Qiuwen regardless of the past grudges, and gave her a chance to be a good person..."

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