Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2378 Sir Alex Regrets Having Two Children!

Chapter 2380 Sir Alex regrets having a second child!

That's right! The "special army" Gu Qiqi just told Xiao Ning was Gong Qing's unique snow wolf army!

Because even if special forces enter a house, they will inevitably leave traces, but Snow Wolf will not.

The alarm systems installed in wealthy areas have no effect at all on the snow wolf, which is light-footed, quick-moving, and turns into a white light when it goes fast.

Not long after, the snow wolves completed their tasks one by one, filed out, smoothly took out newspapers from each house... and came to return to Gu Qiqi obediently.

Xiaotuanzi noticed that Gu Qiqi was busy getting the newspaper and volunteered to help.

He directed Brother Yun to bring a group of mini robots to conduct a door-to-door search according to the address list, and conduct secondary inspections wherever Snow Wolf's footprints were to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

The little milk bag didn't show any signs of weakness, and took out the treasured baby food, yogurt melted beans, small cheeses and other particularly fragrant ones to reward the snow wolves for their hard work.

The snow wolves were so happy that they wagged their tails and helped Gu Qiqi chew up the newspapers. The effect was even more powerful than a paper shredder.

Seeing how capable the two little helpers were, Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes happily, hugged one with one arm, and gave each of them a kiss!

“Mommy’s sweet eldest baby and second baby are so wonderful!”

The two little guys usually make the most of things outside, but now in Gu Qiqi's arms, they are like little babies. They are so grateful to Gu Qiqi's praise that they simply refuse to get up in her arms.

"Mommy, I want to eat the preserved egg and lean meat porridge you cooked for breakfast..."

"Mommy, I want you to accompany me in painting gouache today..."

"Mommy, do you want to see my latest robot design?"

"Mommy, when I practice Wu Qin Xi, I look more like a deer than a deer!"

Gong Jue, who had just woken up on the second floor, looked at the happy scene downstairs and felt depressed: "..."

When will it be Friday?

These two shameless little brats have taken over my woman, causing me to only have one chance to sleep with him once a week!

Obviously I have resigned.

But why do I spend less and less time getting close to my own women?

Gong Jue was depressed for a long time.

Finally came to an important conclusion:

"You need to be careful when giving birth to a child, and it is absolutely necessary to have a second child!!!"

He silently went back to his room, threw all the condoms with small holes in them into the trash can, and replaced them with the new, strongest and safest styles.

It was because he was too naive before and wanted to have a football team. Unfortunately, reality gave him a profound lesson - having too many children would have the cruel consequence of not having time to be intimate with his wife! This is not possible!


Because Gong Jue's snow wolf army and Xiao Tuanzi's robot army were so powerful, it didn't take long for Xiao Ning to receive a reply from Gu Qiqi.

Even more efficient than Mu Tianyu.

"Little lemon, it's OK!"

"Qiqi, I won't say thank you for your kind words. I owe you so much and I can't even pay it back..."

"Well! You, stay away from your scumbag uncle, and I will thank you! Do you understand?"

"I...I know..."

Xiao Ning agreed with a guilty conscience.

I wonder what's going on with brother Tianyu?

Just as she was about to call, the servant behind her called her: "Miss, the young master has asked you to come over for breakfast."

Xiao Ning was shocked.

Oh my god, Bai Yeyuan is awake?

She really wanted to find an excuse to say that she had gone out, and then quickly fled the scene, because when she heard the words "eldest young master", her legs became weak, really!

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