Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2392 The man has ulterior motives

Picture 23

An Wanru raised her eyebrows suddenly: "..."

Doubts arose in my heart: It was rumored that Fu Qingyun was a cold man and would never say a word to outsiders.

Why was the Fu Qingyun she saw today different from the rumors?

It can be said that his attitude towards Xiao Ning is not only not indifferent, but also a bit...enthusiastic?

An Wanru squinted her eyes.

Next to him, Xiao Ning was still confused and said carelessly: "No, no, no, it's all because of your help that the case can go so smoothly. If only all the small civil servants in the empire were like you..."

Fu Qingyun's thin lips moved slightly but said nothing.

An Wanru's body swayed unexpectedly: "..."

Small civil servant?

Xiao Ning, do you call the prosecutor general a junior civil servant? !

Did you make a mistake?

She pressed her question, and in order to prevent Xiao Ning from making too many mistakes, she quickly pulled her away: "Let's go, there are still many things to do in the law firm, go back to work."

Xiao Ning was about to say goodbye to Fu Qingyun.

Fu Qingyun raised his lips lightly: "You have already made great contributions and experience in protecting the rights and interests of women and children. I hope you will continue your efforts. After a while, the annual selection of the top ten cases will be launched. I hope you can also participate. Come out on top and set a good example for young lawyers!”

Xiao Ning was puzzled: "Ah? Haven't the top ten cases of the year been selected, and were the awards given out at the reception that day?"

Fu Qingyun: "That is the top ten public welfare cases, which is just a small classification. Over time, the top ten public welfare cases will compete with the top ten criminal cases, the top ten civil cases, and the top ten economic cases for the finals at the end of the year. The case that won the Best Case Award of the Year will be recorded in the legal history of the empire. This case will be continuously studied and studied by countless scholars and lawyers who are new to the industry, and it is of extraordinary significance."

Xiao Ning exclaimed: "So awesome..."

Fu Qingyun narrowed his eyes: "Come on, you can do it too."

Xiao Ning couldn't believe it: "Really? I...I'm just an intern assistant.

Do I have a chance too? "

Fu Qingyun said meaningfully: "Everyone is equal before the law. Wonderful cases are not something that only lawyers have the right to handle."

Xiao Ning was startled.

Yes, in the dog abuse case, she did not participate as a lawyer, but as an ordinary citizen, assuming the role of a public interest litigator.

In the same child mutilation case, she is not a lawyer, she is the attorney appointed by the plaintiff.

She just uses the platform of Universe Law Firm to help those people and animals in need.

They also achieved remarkable results.

Fu Qingyun's words gave Xiao Ning great encouragement.

For the first time, she felt that her life could have a different trajectory and beautiful expectations.

Working hard to win that awesome annual award suddenly became a goal that attracted her to keep striving for.

The boring life has therefore become more inspiring.

"Okay, I will try my best." She nodded with twinkling eyes.

Fu Qingyun said calmly: "During this period, if you have any legal issues that you don't understand, you can come to me and ask for information. I have sorted out the key points and essence of the cases over the years."

Xiao Ning was even more moved: "Yeah!"

Instead, An Wanru's eyes gradually became complicated: "..."

Why did she have a feeling that this sir had ulterior motives in urging Xiao Ning to sign up to compete for the year-end case?

Isn't it really just to create opportunities for Xiao Ning to come and interact with him more?

Logically speaking, he is Xiao Ning's boss and master. If Xiao Ning has any professional questions, wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask himself?

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