Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2409 A terrible conjecture!

Chapter 2411 A terrible conjecture!

Mu Tianyu tried tapping with his hand.

Sure enough, without any effort, as soon as he touched those bumps, there was a "click" sound, and a half-meter-long gap opened in the slide!

The sun shines in, and Xiao Ning is curled up inside!

Xiao Ning's hair was messed up and her clothes were stained in many places. Her little face was stained. She raised her head and stretched out her little hand pitifully: "Brother Tianyu, there are actually mechanisms here, it's scary!"

Mu Tianyu quickly reached out and pulled her up.

The two of them turned back and looked carefully, and then they saw clearly that there was a big pit where the slide had cracked.

It stands to reason that this bouncy castle is full of air, and it will definitely leak if it is damaged.

However, this large pit is half a meter wide, and it is dark inside. The sunlight can only shine very shallowly, and the tunnel inside does not know how long it extends.

Such a long tunnel does not leak air?

It can be seen that it was specially built.

The problem is that it is just a children's slide, why is it necessary to build such a tunnel to hide it underneath.

It’s not a residential air-raid shelter!

Mu Tianyu instinctively felt something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything wrong for the moment.

Xiao Ning frowned, watching helplessly as she came out, and the crack closed automatically again, as if it had never appeared before.

She couldn't help but reach out and touch the bumps, and sure enough, the cracks opened again, so she finally confirmed that she was just being too funny when she slid down and accidentally touched the mechanism with her dancing.

"I always feel like this is specially designed to hide people...Brother Tianyu, look, if a child encounters it, even if the chance is small, he can fall in in an instant and no one will find it."

"But if a child falls in and he screams, like you just called me, I can hear you."

"Honestly, I was totally stunned when I fell in. I couldn't scream at all..."

"Also, when I looked for you at first, you didn't respond."

"If there are others hiding down there,

Cover my mouth, then I'm afraid I won't have a chance to call out. Even if I come back to my senses and want to call for help, it will be too late..." Xiao Ning thought in fear.

Luckily there's no one down there!

It's just darkness!

Mu Tianyu's heart skipped a beat: "You mean, if there are adults guarding down there, specifically to protect children from falling in..."

Xiao Ning was just making an analogy and a guess, but when Mu Tianyu summarized it like this, a switch was turned on in his mind.

Why is this scene so familiar?

The child who fell in...

Her pupils shrank suddenly, she thought of it!

The strange case on her hands, the two-year-old girl Nannan who mysteriously disappeared from the bouncy castle, could something similar happen to her? !

Upon making this connection, Xiao Ning suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

She quickly told Mu Tianyu her suspicions, and then asked him for help: "Brother Tianyu, we are not playing anymore, we are doing business. You take photos and videos for me, and I will get in again!"

"Ning Ning, don't make trouble, in case there is danger down there..."

Xiao Ning insisted: "It's okay. It's okay if I fell in just now. Maybe their business was not good today and they didn't send people to guard the inside. Maybe they sent people regularly and couldn't let the children out every day. Such a goal It’s just too big. I heard that this kind of mobile inflatable castle usually changes places every few months. It’s possible that they only commit crimes once or twice in one place. In short, it should be safe now!”

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