Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2411: Just act in the movie of the domineering Lord!

Chapter 2413 Act in the movie of the domineering Sir!

Mu Tianyu nodded heavily: "So, we must first grasp as much evidence as possible. If we don't take action, we must catch the mastermind behind it!"

Xiao Ning felt that every cell in her body had been mobilized, and she wished she could immerse herself in it now: "Brother Tianyu, where should we start?"

Mu Tianyu looked at her deeply: "You need to eat first and build up your strength before taking action!"

This was too dangerous, and honestly he didn't want her involved.

When An Wanru said that Xiao Ning would follow up on this case, he thought it was an ordinary disappearance case. He thought that there would be no results from the investigation anyway, so he left it to her to make trouble.

Who knows, if you are not careful, a small and inconspicuous case may actually involve a huge shady story behind it.

He is now considering whether to take over the case and arrange for others to do it.

But Xiao Ning would definitely not agree to this.

How should he convince this stubborn little girl?

But the first step of persuasion obviously worked. Xiao Ning rubbed her belly and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you and go eat first."

Mu Tianyu was about to feel relieved.

The next second.

Xiao Ning waved her little fist: "After dinner, we worked all night. I don't believe we can't find more solid evidence!"

Mu Tianyu: "..."

He has never seen a girl working so hard.

As the boss of the company, he was quite pleased, but as her fiancé, he felt very distressed. Did she know?


Over Eurasia.

In thick clouds.

A private plane is speeding towards the imperial capital!

Bai Yeyuan's face turned livid, and he ordered the person on the phone: "Go and get me the exclusive parking lot at Imperial Airport, and bring me my car! My plane will arrive within half an hour! I want to see that everything is ready.


On the other end of the phone, Bai Lang screamed: "Hey, brother, I'm not your secretary. Why don't you tell your secretary... It's only half an hour, how can I help you with it..."

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "My secretary has other important things to do. You can't do it in half an hour? Okay, twenty minutes. I've asked the driver to speed up. We'll be there in twenty minutes."

Bai Lang was about to faint.

He clearly said that there was not enough time, so he asked his eldest brother to fly the plane slowly to give him more time to prepare.

The airport doesn't just stop at will. He also has to ask for instructions and ask the Safety Supervision Bureau for the route and landing indicators... These procedures are very cumbersome, okay?

Brother, do you think this is a big CEO movie? Does the plane stop when it says it will? Even a big CEO can’t do it!

Well, if you are Sir Alex, you can do this kind of movie casually.

The problem is that we are legal merchants and must abide by the laws and regulations of the empire.

Bai Lang was very depressed, but he didn't dare to refute Bai Yeyuan, so he could only ask weakly: "Well, then I will try my best... Brother, why don't you transfer your bodyguards to me? Don't you have four great Vajra secret guards? ? They must be able to work together very quickly for me, one drives the car, one is responsible for the relationship, and the other..."

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "I left them in Italy to take care of things. No one can know about my return to the empire, so you are the only one who can take care of things now, so stop talking nonsense!"

Bailang wailed: "..."

Why is it just him?

He just wants to be an idle second son with nothing to do.

However, Bai Yeyuan's cold words rolled past his ears, and he was suddenly excited and heard the key points contained in Bai Yeyuan's words——

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